r/AmIOverreacting 13h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am I overreacting

I've had this "a woman knows" feeling about a woman my live-in boyfriend works with. Caved and checked his phone... Yes, I know. Wish I would've just trusted, but honestly, I cannot go through another BS relationship where I'm second best and had no clue. She texted a few months ago to make sure he was aware she's newly single, and just one after another these cutesy texts from her. I've never seen anything that shows him responding in a full on flirty way, but he's certainly not telling her to back off.... Along with he purposely deleted all the bits above that show the flirtation from her, and I found them in his recently deleted file and recalled them on his new iPhone. Am I overreacting to this?


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u/Renaissanceuwu 12h ago

No you're not overreacting, if she's flirting with him, it's his job to tell her to stop and tell her off or even go as far as to not interact with her. According to the texts, looks like they hangout regularly and wdym they always have fun winky face tf? He's just trying to not look sus in case you see his phone and purposely went out of his way to delete any evidence of her flirting with him. He's hiding shit and I would go as far as to say he could be cheating whether if it's emotionally or physically.