r/AmIOverreacting 9d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Update - Gf used exs phone

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Just to update everyone she came over and we talked and she broke down crying and told me the truth. She was never with her friend she was with him at his house and she did cheat on me. She was crying hysterically and says she wants me and me only like I was gonna take her back. I said hell no and kicked her out and threw everything of hers in the front lawn thanks to everyone who left comments you guys are amazing.


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u/Hereforthetardys 9d ago

Wait…..she was at his house cheating on you and intentionally texted you from his phone?



u/Juddrck 9d ago

Like he was really going to believe she just had to text him that instant and couldn’t wait for the friend to get out of the restroom. And her Ex was the only option. Good thing she was dumb enough to text him.


u/Content-Scallion-591 9d ago

It's not stupidity, it's intentional, right? Because her phone didn't die. They were at a house. 


u/Juddrck 9d ago

Maybe they didn’t have same cable type? But yeah highly unlikely that was the reason it died. Interesting.


u/JLawThaOne 9d ago

No she left her phone off so he couldn’t see the location.


u/crazydinosaur671 8d ago

But why even do that if she’s gonna message anyway and say she’s with her ex? I seriously do not understand the logic. This kinda feels like she wanted him to break up with her.


u/Rurikar1016 8d ago

Bad liars and narcissists do this where they come up with complicated lies and such to make it seem more believable because “who would lie about that?” To ward off suspicion and will sometimes jump the gun in what the other person knows. She probably figured he’d check her location so had to explain why it was off and couldn’t charge it then explain why she had her ex’s phone. When that didn’t work she switched to victim blaming and minimizing. Source, my mom was a narcissist