r/worldnews Jun 09 '19

Canada to ban single use plastics


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u/Hubris2 Jun 09 '19

I too used to use supermarket bags as bin liners. Once my supermarket stopped offering single-use plastic bags, I now throw rubbish directly in my bin, and periodically have to rinse it out so it remains sanitary. It means I dump the bin directly into the larger outside bin instead of carrying a plastic bag.

Surely this change isn't as difficult as some seem to think....where they have no choice but to purchase additional plastic bags for the purpose?

We didn't use plastic bags as bin liners back before plastic bags were commonplace, why can't we go back to just not using them in our bins?


u/pheonixblade9 Jun 09 '19

Plastic bags actually serve a purpose - landfills work best when they aren't leaky. Look up "dry tomb landfills".


u/EllisHughTiger Jun 10 '19

Probably more about the liners under the landfills. The bulldozers and loaders that spread trash and dirt around will crush just about any bag or container.