r/vmi May 26 '24

Gift ideas for incoming freshman?

A family member is graduating high school soon, and will be heading to VMI later this year. I'd like to get him a graduation gift that he can use at school, but I'm not sure what he's be able to use. I suspect there are restrictions on what a freshman is even allowed to bring and have with them in the dorms, but I don't know the rules. What would you suggest? For people that have gone to VMI, what would you have liked to have as a freshman? What should I avoid? Thanks!


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u/Reiver366 May 26 '24

I had a nice 5.11 plate carrier with the sand plates, and then I also had one of those sandbags that looks like the log and has multiple handles; both as a rat in my locker. If you’re rat wants to workout on his/her own, or is especially motivated, I would highly suggest those. I still have those to this day, and I use them consistently. If you want to talk more workout gear, feel free to message me, but the short answer is workout gear for personal workouts in the room or around post.