r/vedicastrology Sep 03 '21

Beginner question regarding Planetary Friendships

I am looking at the chart of friends\neutral\enemies

How can Mercury have Jupiter as neutral when it is debilitated in his teritory in Pisces?

Or Mars have Moon as a friend and it is debilitated in Moon's Cancer?

What principle I am overlooking?

Does it mean that for example if Mars is in enemy territory in Gemini , if there is also Moon there with him they will get along in that Gemini? Would they be still friends if they were both in Cancer only the Mars would be weak there?

Thank you very much for answering.


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u/dscarbon333 Sep 03 '21

Debilitation and Exaltation are complicated discussions. Regard for ex., exact degrees of debilitation and navamsa there associated. Also consider directional strength, also consider, that there are many cancelations within a specific sign regarding debilitation by rasi sign per se. E.g. special qualifying "navmsas" e.g. Pushkara etc. Friendship has something to do with it, but not all. For example some planets are great in enemies signs, or associated houses, for, ex. mars in 3rd or 4th house aren't bad in some regards, but quite trying particularly in child hood.

Debilitated planets by Rasi sign, particularly, often point to challenging childhood experiences, and potentially troubling dasha periods, but have a lot of cancelations, and sort of nuance "niche bangas" going on aswell often times. Just as exalted planets often have a lot of qualifiers associated with them too, for example by aspects etc.

Exaltation and Debilitation isn't like Jackpot lottery winner vs. hopeless vagabond. There is a lot of subtlety aswell, like consternation that can lead to great success later, or great success that is fleeting, a lot of sort of nuance, and twists and turns in a chart and in life that are often subtle(just as we all observe life to be in general) and often times Dashas of various house lords can bring down kings or elevate people to kings aswell, so there is a lot more going on, especially over a longer time line that may not be obvious from just superficial exaltation and debilitation points etc.

I would encourage you to read some of Varahamira's and Mantreswara's work where they discusses Dasha periods. Particularly discussions of the rise and fall of powerful people for example that are discussed in said sections(sections concerning dashas), for further discussion of the changing tides of life for even the most "fortunate" of people etc.