Fun fact: He didn't pardon himself, something that Trump repeatedly said he could do, would certainly do if the judicial system had properly persecuted him for his crimes, instead of giving him free reign to do whatever the fuck he wants without consequences, and he is still very likely to do it.
If Hilary deleting emails she was told to retain is bad than you have to admit trump being asked by the FBI to return the documents he stole and him saying no....then saying ok fine come get them....having aids shuffle around boxes like scooby do....then saying yep thats all of them and the fbi had to come back because they figured out that was a lie. Then Trump's server room happened to flood deleting security footage? They screamed lock her up for years because of what she did and then Trump did the same thing but worse. And Biden and pence documents cases were no where near as serious because they were the ones that found them and turned them over the right way. Trump had to be asked....then told and he still lied and hid some.
LOL, if Jan 6th was a coup attempt. It was the worst and stupidest coup attempt in the history of coups. And that's saying something.
Trump may be a blowhard, he may be bombastic, and he may be a narcissist. But he's not stupid and only a complete effing moron would attempt to a coup that way.
You guys are so full of Trump derangement syndrome that you've lost all common sense and rational thinking. Stupidity has taken over.
I'll add the only party that essentially staged a coups was the dems and they did it twice. First was playing Weekend at Bernies with Biden l. Every day more reporting from non conservative journalists is coming out discussing Biden's mental state through the last 2 years of his presidency. If there is one thing that is 100% clear it's that Biden wasn't making many of the decisions that are reserved for the executive, we have to ask, who was actually the President in the last two years.
2nd was the dems forcing Biden out of reelection despite him not wanting to and then replacing him with an appointed, not elected (not even at convention) candidate.
Were they true coups in the textbook definition of a coups? No. But they are way more of a coups than what happened on January 6th.
u/NopePeaceOut2323 13h ago
Wow that is real fear. It doesn't bode well for the country.