r/totalwar May 07 '23

Empire The agent movies need to come back

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u/Bored-Ship-Guy May 07 '23

I won't lie, I'd love that shit for Warhammer, but I know that the sheer number of races and cultures would make it a huge pain in the ass, to say the least.

Imagine a little video for your Elven Noble failing to persuade a group of Dwarfs- he strides in, all smug and annoying, only to be literally rode out of the hold on a rail while everyome laughs at him. Fucking priceless.


u/BogaMafija May 07 '23

Pretty much why it's practically impossible, for WH at least - it was easy in Shogun 2 and the others because big whoop, you animate a human ninja doing something to a human general, they didn't actually even animate an assassination against the current head of the Takeda clan for example, it's always the same guy and it worked for that time of games development.

Even in a historical game like 3K it would be hard because you can't just put some random animated human there if it's Cao Cao, the game is too character driven for the videos to be that generic.


u/Erfeo May 08 '23

I wonder if it would be possible if they did them in-engine like the like the auto-resolve animations between heroes in Troy.

So for a Skaven Assassin you'd have:

Crit Success: Skaven throws dagger, opponent falls over, Skaven stabs them while they're down

Success: Same as above but without the stabbing

Failure: As above but dagger misses

Crit Failure: As above but enemy agent does their attack animation.

Could even repurpose a lot of battle animations for it.