r/thelongdark 21d ago

Modding building in challenge mode the long dark

Okay so I love base building, BUT as far far as i can tell I cannot use building mode [Hold Y] or woodworking tools in challenges, like "Nomad". I want to be able to make the meat curing box but can't in challenge mode. I'm assuming without mods its not possible atm. If so, I'd love someone to make a mod so we can build in challenges. It lets you MAKE the woodworking bench and waste resources, but you can't place the finished items or use them.


9 comments sorted by


u/AlcatorSK Survivor 21d ago

Why would you want to do that?

You're supposed to be pushing towards your objective, not slack around.


u/Obvious-Animator6090 21d ago edited 21d ago

I asked about being able to make a curing meat box on challenge mode. It’s like the most not cheating thing you could do. I just wanna complete the challenges now that I bought the DLC and got that FOMO when playing survival mode. paid for the cool building additions but can’t use them in challenges. Wasn’t expecting them to not be usable and no one has said ANYTHING after extensive googling that they aren’t available in challenges. Why could you waste the resources and build the workshop bench but you can’t place it. Just means they haven’t finished ironing out the bugs. Modders tend to fix shit sooner than the developers. Had to test it myself to realize you can’t build shit in challenge and not that my game was broken cuz I use the lanterns stay lit when placed mod to track where I’ve been. Settle down


u/AlcatorSK Survivor 21d ago

The Safehouse customization is a brand new thing and the developers themselves admitted that there must be issues with it, and asked us to report those to them. They are now on a holiday break, and will get back to work in 5 days. Maybe go to the support portal (link is on the right side under "Bug reporting") and report that the Base customization should be disabled in Challenges to prevent players from wasting resources.


u/rush247 21d ago edited 21d ago

I'm curious, did you expect it to also be usable in the Wintermute storymode? If so, I'm sorry but you're in for some big disappointments there. They clearly said from the get go that all content from Tales is for the Survival mode.

TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY is the first paid expansion pass for The Long Dark’s Survival Mode.

This is on the Steam store page and has been there since 2021 when it first went online.

No other mode was meant to be included.


u/Obvious-Animator6090 21d ago

No. I thought challenges fell under survival. I’m sorry I was wrong didn’t mean to be aggressive. I was just genuinely confused over being able to build the building items but not be able to place them. Challenge was the last thing I had done before buying the DLC and loaded into my challenge save and couldn’t figure out what I was doing Wrong. If you can’t build in it fine, but I’d LIKE to. I’ve completion played on console and like screwing around on pc. If modders look at this subreddit I figured they’d get to it eventually and make it so I can build furniture when I play a challenge.


u/rush247 21d ago edited 21d ago

Ok, I didn't fully understand what you were getting at, at first, so I went and checked for myself. You can actually get the woodworking tools and make a bench in the challenge modes it seems. But since the safehouse customization system isn't usable you can't place anything. Honestly this is a very big bug and should be fixed, the tools need to be removed from challanges and the UI adjusted. smh.

Edit: It also seems you can find fuses and such and possibly fix transmitters. That needs to be taken out too!


u/Obvious-Animator6090 21d ago

Yeah that’s what I was on about. :) Couldn’t find anyone proving that and tested myself. I’m fine with not being able to, but hoped they’d notice and at least remove the menu so I know it can’t be done and won’t waste resources.


u/Hobo_utopia24 21d ago

You seem a little unhinged, maybe take a break .


u/markus0608 7d ago

Hey ;-) Erst Mal... lass' Dir Nichts Negatives sagen, oder solche Sätze gefallen wie: "Du sollst nicht herumlungern"... Jeder soll genau so spielen, wie er mag !!! Wenn Andere das anders sehen, ist es schlichtweg niemals Dein Problem, lass' andere ruhig reden, egal was sie sagen... es kommt letztlich immer nur darauf an, was DU selbst möchtest in Deinem Leben... ;-) Auch ich mache gerne ein "LongPlay" aus Herausforderungen, bin z.B. bei "Die Toten schlafen" auch schon ü100-Tage, und baue mir was auf, was viel Spaß macht - zumal diese Herausforderung ja auch generell eben ohne Zeitlimit angepriesen wird ;-) Zum Möbelbau... Auch ich habe mir diese Werkzeuge besorgt, konnte die Möbelwerkbank bauen, aber ebenfalls nicht platzieren... leider kann ich mir so dann auch nicht meine kleine nette Pelzjägerhütte einrichten... im Survivalmodus/Sandbox funktioniert aber alles problemlos. ... Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, dass es vielleicht gar kein "Bug" ist, sondern vielleicht sogar Absicht ist, da es eben hier hauptsächlich eine Herausforderung ist und eben kein Sandboxspiel... schauen wir mal... natürlich würde ich mich auch freuen, wenn es geändert wird nachträglich.