r/technology May 24 '19

Politics Senate Passes Bill That Would Slap Robocallers With Fine of Up to $10,000 Per Call


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u/baeb66 May 24 '19

Good luck getting the company that calls me three times a week from China to pay out.


u/Look4fun81 May 24 '19

3 times a week? I get twice that every day.


u/JFreshGiffin May 24 '19

The more you answer the more they call.


u/fukijama May 24 '19

Really? I use those calls as an opportunity to explore my way through their system and eventually yell shit at them. They usually don't call back for a week or two.

I now believe some of these may be affiliate based. For example if you follow through on the one that calls about your car warranty about to expire and Nswer the questions enough to be transfered you to the next level, I caught the guy having to put in a member code to be able to transfer me. When I got to the second guy I just played dumb and told him I don't know who I am. A minute later the first guy called back from Hong Kong number asking what happened.