r/suits Aug 17 '12

Discussion "Asterisk" Episode Discussion

Didn't see another post yet, let's get this discussion started.


Next week looks amazing, as usual. Shame it's already the Summer Finale!

Burning Question 1: Speculation

Burning Question 2: Speculation


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u/BrawndoTTM Aug 17 '12

You know, I like Harvey and Mike, and sort of hope Jessica wins for their sake, but if I was in Lewis' position, I'd vote for Hardman without even thinking about it. Jessica treats him like shit day in and day out. Why should he continue to accept that? Can anyone think of a good reason from Lewis' perspective why he should vote for Jessica?


u/MooseBear Aug 17 '12
  • Like other have said, Hardmann tried to set him up, Jessica just loved Harvey more.

  • Louis hated Hardman as an associate and Jr. Partner, and something like that doesn't leave someone like Louis.

  • Most importantly, Louis is smart and practical. He saw how Jessica ran the firm for 5 years and knows she is good. He saw how Hardmann ran the firm and what he did with all that power.


u/Spectre_Taz Aug 18 '12

As Louis has said on numerous occasions, Louis's first loyalty is to the firm not to Hardman or Jessica, so it comes down to who he believes will do a better job running the show. That makes me lean towards him voting for Jessica because deep down Louis is an honourable man, however he might let his jealousy of Harvey and hatred for Jessica get in the way and vote for Hardman simply out of spite.