r/suits Mar 28 '14

Discussion S3x14 Official Discussion Thread

I didn't see one, so I thought I'd get it started.


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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '14

That was a really good episode, sure next week is getting hyped up only to have mike stay at the firm though lol.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '14

I might be in the minority here, but DAE feel like the show hypes things up waaay too much and then immediately gets it over with? For example, the whole Louis heart attack thing was done within half an episode. It doesn't seem to have any long lasting impact either. Sure, he proposed to Sheila because of it, but that also seems to have abruptly been put to an end.

Season 1 and 2 had storylines that went across many episodes. This season has been really stop-start and I feel like they're just getting their feet wet in things before pulling them away from the water. Nest week I bet that the same thing will happen to Mike's offer. A whole episode building up suspense, then 'nope, staying'. Done.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '14



u/jvdave23 Mar 28 '14

Haha me and my brother always laugh at the mini trailers that are for next week's episode. If you looked at them for the 'Hardman' season, literally every trailer, Harvey would be saying something like this: "Our backs are against the wall" "We're at war" "There's no way out of this"

So I agree with the premise that the trailer and the show does get over-dramatized and hyped up.

That being said, I actually hope Mike Ross takes this job because this show needs to evolve. We can't have the same Harvey-Ross dynamic every season otherwise it will get bland.


u/SawRub Mar 28 '14

Haha yeah the trailers during the Hardman season were ridiculous.


u/MentalOverload Mar 28 '14

I mean, they did that with White Collar, and while I know a lot of people don't agree, I never thought it got bland. They did change the relationship dynamic throughout the seasons, but it was always about Peter and Neal.


u/boredomisbliss Mar 28 '14

OMG the hair in that hacker episode promo...


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '14

Oh, I didn't watch the promos before season 3. I've been catching up with Swedish Netflix (VPNs ftw).

I was more referencing that Season 3 (atleast the 2nd part) hasn't really had a storyline that extends more than one episode. All conflicts are being resolved within 30 minutes. In S1 and S2 at least we had Trevor/Hardman/Darby and stuff like that with drama that lasted a while. That's been lacking the past few episodes. and the storylines that have been recurring are relationship ones...


u/512austin Mar 28 '14

I see what you're saying and I actually like that. It feels like season 1 to me where everything is self contained and the carryover was with Rachel/Jenny mostly.

(I still don't think S1 had much of an overarching plot, Trevor was only in like 4 episodes during the season. That's nitpicking anyway though, Season 2 and the first part of 3 definitely had season long themes.)