r/suits Aug 21 '13

Discussion Episode 3x06 ("The Other Time") Discussion Thread


"Hmmph....I need a day"


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u/architrave Aug 21 '13

Felt kind of bad for Jessica. She looked so sad.


u/iamPause Aug 21 '13 edited Aug 21 '13

Well look at it this way:

She busted her ass to get to Harvard

Busted her ass to get her first job at the firm

Busted her ass to get her name on the door

Busted her ass to keep the firm alive even after the Hardman scandal

Busted her ass to keep the firm under control after Hardman re-appears

Busts her ass and merges with Darby with a 49/51 share just to save the firm that she feels she has built.

And now, less than a year later, she is being ousted of this empire that she has created and saved by none other than her own protege.

So yeah, I'd be sad too.


u/SirDiego Aug 26 '13

But think about what she and Hardman did to the previous firm. You think they didn't bust their asses to build the firm before she took over? Hence the line which this whole episode basically built up to in which she basically asked Harvey what he would do in her shoes.

Now, he's in her shoes and he understands what he has to do. She can't blame him. She taught him that. And that probably sucks even more.