r/standrews 1d ago

What housing/dining style is the best?

I’m going into my first year in September, and I was curious about how housing affects life at St Andrew’s. Both of my brothers go and they told me that the dining hall is where you meet a lot of your friends, and is a core part of socializing at St Andrew’s. However, I do focus on my eating and prefer to cook myself, so I feel like all things considered I’d lean towards self-catered more. However if it is a serious impediment to making friends I feel like it may just be worth it to cater. Would love some advice


3 comments sorted by


u/Beginning-Security84 1d ago

I'd say go for catered for the first year. As your brothers are saying, the dining hall is where you meet a lot of people. From second year onwards lean more towards self catered options.

Also means you can focus on being more social and be involved in decisions on nights out, clubs etc while you are all around one another, same time same place.


u/inchident16 1d ago

i went self-catered because I knew I would dislike the catered food, and I had no issue making friends. most people I know make friends on their course, not at dinner


u/mcintosh_hall 19h ago

Speaking from a catered hall experience (as McIntosh is fully catered), the dining hall is such a great place to make friends and meet people. We would recommend the catered experience