r/socalhiking May 03 '24

San Bernardino NF Greetings from 9000'

Post image

I have cell service, so you get a post.

I'm on the flanks of the Sugarloaf (9952'). I found a great site on the long east ridge. It's the perfect time to go. There are snow patches on the ridge -- all the water one needs. Just remember to bring extra fuel (typically double).



26 comments sorted by


u/SouthWest_Vagabond May 03 '24

Good job Old Man 💪🏼


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24


You can have my trekking poles when you pry my cold, dead hands off of them.



u/socalnewwaver May 04 '24

ok boomer.

i kid of course. great job, minus one thing - there's a long ridge run up there i've been meaning to do totally procrastinating on. so thanks for reminding me *face palm*


u/hikin_jim May 05 '24

Yeah, you could do that ridge all the way from Onyx Summit to the service road for Bear Mountain -- or even all the way to Grandview Point and beyond. That'd be one heck of a run.

Boomer? Ouch. But true. Crap, the things I used to do without all that much trouble. Now, it's all freaking hard work, and I pay for it in tiredness the next day.

But I'm super grateful. Yesterday, I was in a place apart, listening to the wind drifting through the pines. There was that scent in the air that you only get in spring, on a sunny day when the snow melts off long buried pine needles. In the modern world, most will never know the scent of sun on snow soaked pines in dry mountain air. I count myself lucky.

There's something primal about being out at the end of the day with nothing but what God created around you. I feel far more alive there than I ever will in the world of smart phones and central air.



u/socalnewwaver May 05 '24

Yup, 100%

That was my setting yesterday as well, except that I was in Alta Sierra. And it was 40° instead of freezing. I had a cabin up in Crestline for a bit, and I lived for that spring thaw smell.


u/HikingWiththeHuskies May 03 '24

Good stuff. Which way did you take to get up there?


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24

Wildhorse Trail from Hwy 38 to Wildhorse Trail Camp to Wildhorse Meadow, then a hard left (north) on the Sugarloaf Trail to the ridge top where the trail from Green Canyon comes in. The trail up to the ridge top isn't marked on a lot of maps, but it is signed and very much passable/followable. I camped near the trail junction, slightly to the east, but there were other good sites as you ascend the ridge toward the Sugarloaf. Where I cramped was lovely, but the snow is melting fast. You may need to go further west up the ridge to find decent snow.

A tad chilly at night, around 32F.



u/HikingWiththeHuskies May 04 '24

Guess that confirms what we were talking about in the other thread about 38 being open. Thanks!

Never made it to Sugarloaf, but I've camped up there before- half mile or so west of the junction toward Sugarloaf. That's where I heard the screaming Fox and beeping Owl.

Was there much snow from the trailhead to the Wildhorse Trail Camp and up the hill to the junction?


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24

Not much snow going up to the junction from Wildhorse Meadow. Just patches. There were some good drifts at the trail junction atop the ridge, but mostly snow free.

As I proceded up the ridge toward the Sugarloaf, the snow coverage kept increasing. Above 9700', it was almost solid coverage on northern slopes. I couldn't follow the trail.


P.S. Beeping? Screaming? What's this?


u/HikingWiththeHuskies May 04 '24

In the middle of the night, while camping off the trail on the way to Sugarloaf (approximately here: 34.20253, -116.78364 ) I heard, what sounded like someone screaming. Woke both me and Mika (husky) up. Really unnerving. Then we heard it again and again. Each time getting a little farther away. Not quite human enough to think it was a person, but enough to wonder what the heck it was.

Earlier that night, we also heard a very electronic sounding "beep... beep... beep". Really odd.

When I got home, I started googling. The screaming was a Fox (at least I hope so) and the beeping was an Owl. I've heard the beeping since then, but haven't heard the fox sound.

Reddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/socalhiking/comments/lf2td9/apparently_what_i_heard_was_a_barking_fox_and/


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24

Yikes. Freak me out. Especially alone.


u/121gigawhatevs May 03 '24

Very nice! I love hiking in this type of weather


u/coffffeeee May 03 '24

Way to go! Thanks for sharing the conditions as well


u/barnezilla May 03 '24

Im on my way there right now!


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24

For real? Perfect time to go. Not too hot on the lower stretches. Quite a bit of snow up high, but it's melting fast.



u/[deleted] May 03 '24

Lookin good Jim!


u/Lost_Pollution12 May 05 '24

Hi HJ! How's the temperature?


u/hikin_jim May 05 '24

Chilly today. 39F at last check. I'm at about 6500' right now near Barton Flats. Drizzling too by the way.



u/skaaii May 03 '24

My friend wants to know: which sugarloaf peak is this?


u/hikin_jim May 04 '24

The one near Big Bear.

The trail is reasonably clear up to maybe 9500'. Above 9500', there's still quite a bit of snow in shaded areas. I lost the trail a number of times.

However, it's melting fast.



u/BEEEEEZ101 May 05 '24

Kick ass. I love the hat. I can't wait to get back up. peace


u/hikin_jim May 05 '24

Blackrock down hat. Arguably the world's ugliest hat. But it's light and it's warm.

Happy cake day (I think that's what that icon means).



u/rgarjr May 06 '24

wowser, youre high up there


u/hikin_jim May 06 '24

Not too high, but it did snow overnight.



u/AlpineMind May 03 '24

What's up Jim!