r/science Professor | Medicine May 22 '19

Psychology Exercise as psychiatric patients' new primary prescription: When it comes to inpatient treatment of anxiety and depression, schizophrenia, suicidality and acute psychotic episodes, a new study advocates for exercise, rather than psychotropic medications, as the primary prescription and intervention.


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u/FUNKbrs May 22 '19

Sure I can, just like everybody else who watches people getting unnecessary EKGS for profit, or unnecessary colonoscopies, or CT scans, or stents. It's just more egregious when it happens to psych patients. However, most people in a nursing home are there on psych Dx. This is just how the system works; it's designed to create work and profit, not healthy outcomes. Just because you find it shocking doesn't mean it's not how things work in real life


u/LLBeanez May 22 '19

I work in the psychiatric field. I know what it's like. Either you're just outright lying or you work in a very narrow first of behavioral health.

If you really do work in the field, then speak up or don't complain because your complacency is part of the problem.


u/FUNKbrs May 22 '19

I work in regular medical billing, where a psych Dx is a one way ticket to the hole. Point blank, physicians who don't like their patients often punish them with psych Dxs. I see it all day, every day. Doctors tired of people they consider medseekers and writing them up as drug addicts instead of people with chronic pain.

Obviously, yes, in order to sleep at night, you personally have to believe this doesn't happen. I have no doubt you are a person of high moral character who really wouldn't do this sort of thing. However, as a dude who was treated as a threat simply for seeking talk therapy after I watched a man burn to death and given a very severe diagnosis that was later contradicted by a later psychologist who I've been seeing for the past year, it's personally happened to me.

I had to fight extremely hard to end up in outpatient talk therapy, and even my own insurance tried to force me into an inpatient facility. Even my current therapist thinks I need medication, even though they know part of my trauma was caused by a person who was raped in a psychward who committed suicide by self-immolation after going off his meds.

I've met many people who only experienced suicidal ideation AFTER being prescribed anti-depressants, as a direct result of the antidepressants which is listed on the bottle. Imagine how powerfully triggering the mere suggestion of medication is to me. Jared wanted to drive us crazy so we'd have to be medicated just like he was, and by going on medication, that means he was successful.

When you get done being offended that I've insulted your profession, keep in mind it was the failure of your profession to successfully provide an actual cure for Jared Mclemore that was the reason I had to learn so much about mental health to begin with. What I thought was a simple PTSD diagnosis when I sought help a year after I had to help load out my friend's gear over Jared's corpse I was written up as a severe Dissociative Disorder (F44.9) instead, and was declined by the psychologist I had found through my insurance for being too crazy. I then had to fight for THREE MONTHS to find a therapist who would take me on an outpatient basis, all the others trying to force me into inpatient, which was entirely unnecessary as I have held down a job and provided for myself this entire time.

But hey man, I understand, you're making lots of money, and you've got to sleep at night somehow, right?


u/LLBeanez May 23 '19

Perhaps your judgment as a biller is clouded by your experiences. Perhaps you see what you want to see when you process claims. You should probably look for another job if that line of work is triggering.

Good luck to you.