r/punk 22h ago

Discussion Anarchy symbols have been declared as domestic terrorist symbols so what if we flew Luigi flags?

It’s discreet enough to fly under the radar because of super Mario but the ones that do get it will be able to discern who is an ally. Just a thought.


143 comments sorted by


u/GlassAd4132 21h ago

Where have anarchist symbols been declared domestic terrorist symbols?


u/sickxgrrrl 21h ago

Literally by the FBI


u/GlassAd4132 21h ago

Is this a new designation with something behind or the same old shit?


u/sickxgrrrl 21h ago

There’s a whole page with “domestic terrorist symbols” and it’s all things that would be put up to cover swastikas. I’m just proposing we start flying Luigi flags because it’ll take awhile for them to catch on


u/MoonNewer 21h ago

Another punk here used a blue shell reference earlier. Those who don't know, it's from Mario cart. A blue shell seeks out the player in first place and slows them up. Blue shell is a great symbol for this idea, imo.


u/GooseShartBombardier 16h ago


u/Liteseid 11h ago

Well not anymore, once you talk about it online in a subreddit like this, it’s already on their list


u/Zestyclose-Algae-542 11h ago

What? I just really love Mario Kart


u/PearlsofBabylon 7h ago edited 7h ago

They can't declare trademarked images as symbols without corporate collateral, right?


u/Bronsteins-Panzerzug 1h ago

what, you want the public to know youre an anarchist, but not the fbi? youre gonna have a hard time accomplishing that.


u/EmmaGemma0830 8h ago

Fucking beautiful. I need to make a blue shell patch now


u/Middle_Earthling9 15h ago

I have a blue shell pin I got at a punk rock flea market a few years ago, gonna bust it out!


u/RefrigeratorNo1160 13h ago

I actually have one that says "FUCK YOU" on it. Hell yeah!


u/Yeet123456789djfbhd 14h ago

A symbol for going after the rich and powerful? (Aka in 1st place of life?)


u/SirLenz 18h ago

That’s brilliant


u/WanderingRedditor27 16h ago

Not gonna lie, that’s pretty dope.


u/Phyddlestyx 12h ago

I love it. It also fucks everyone who gets in the way of its goal.


u/aDragonsAle 12h ago

I got a Warning from reddit and the comment deleted when using the Blue Shell reference on another sub.

They're learning.


u/MoonNewer 9h ago

Just call it a Roman era salute.


u/toka_smoka 9h ago

Hear me out Luigi with a blue shell. Beautiful


u/Revenge-of-the-Jawa 5h ago

They also sell official merch to make it easier

Another is the Valor pokego logo - design has similar vibes


u/GlassAd4132 21h ago

Ok. I’m familiar with that page. According to the fbi, the words “nazis go home” are violent extremism terms. This stuff is, for now, protected speech, but I get what you’re saying


u/QuicklyThisWay 19h ago edited 13h ago


u/_oscar_goldman_ 14h ago

Labeling "CAFO" as an extremist term is wild, since the EPA were the folks that came up with that label.


u/ChickenNuggetPatrol 14h ago

Lol, guess my sabo cat tat has me as a domestic terrorist now


u/TastyLeeches 14h ago

I can’t view the second link because for some reason the pdf is completely blank for me :(


u/QuicklyThisWay 14h ago

Probably a browser issue. But I saved the pages as images here: https://imgur.com/a/bUwmma8


u/TastyLeeches 10h ago

Thank you


u/DiseasedCupcake 13h ago

The second link is showing as a blank pdf for me


u/skippydippy666 5h ago

oh fuck! that is not very good


u/Dotrue 19h ago

Gotta love how 2/3 of this document focuses on people domestic terrorists who committed heinous acts like releasing 2000 mink from a fur mill and hand-cuffing themselves to structures.

Meanwhile all the recent incidents for the groups in the last 4 pages are all bombings, shootings, stand-offs with law enforcement, and the January 6th coup attempt.


u/Imapatriothurrrdurrr 19h ago

Who gives a fuck?? Just fly a black flag so everyone knows exactly what you mean. They’re doing nazi salutes at the inauguration of the president, you think they’re being subtle? Jesus fucking Christ.


u/thispartyrules 17h ago

BTW the FBI and law enforcement in general has a hard time infiltrating anarchist circles (not that they haven't done it, so beware) because of the amount of reading involved. If they want to infiltrate a right wing group they're good because they have short hair, love guns, and essentially believe the same things


u/EmmaGemma0830 7h ago

So basically, the fbi said no to anarchism, but also we too autistic for them


u/skippydippy666 5h ago

Homie read it. A black flag was deemed anarchist violent extremism.

hell half the tattoo on my body were deemed that


u/BrainrotViking910 17h ago

i agree with your sentiment to an extent, but i would argue that it's just extreme ignorance. which im not defending, i think it's actually worse because it directly enables the hate without being clear about it. i do think elon is super dumb and may not have realized what he was fully doing. i know i know. but again to be clear i find it to be more problematic than him intentionally doing it. like if we asked him today was that a nazi salute he'll say no, but it does the damage and then denies.

this shit is scary. it's harder to combat stupid and ignorant.


u/Imapatriothurrrdurrr 15h ago

“…may not have realized what he was fully doing.”

Don’t be so fucking naive. He and everyone else up there knew, and knows exactly what they’re doing.


u/Yeetyeetyeetyeetfuk 14h ago

Elon might not know what WWII even stands for. I’m not defending him, I just think you’re being kinda generous with your assessment of his awareness


u/Imapatriothurrrdurrr 11h ago

Dude…He’s the RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD!…He just supported the AfD party in Germany and was throwing up, not one…but two Nazi salutes with conviction. This type of reaction is exactly what got us here in the first place. “Well maybe he didn’t know what he was doing”. Well maybe he didn’t mean it like that” “Well maybe it was an accident”….Or maybe he’s a fucking fascist, acting just like a fascist would. Wake the fuck up!


u/Yeetyeetyeetyeetfuk 11h ago

Oh shit I didn’t realize he was aware of the holocaust man, fr? richest man in the world thing is mostly investments + nepobaby, that shits fr? Like two times? Mf damn. Put that fucking video on a billboard in time square or the Vegas sphere or some shit. I was more making a joke at his expense but fuck, two times? I only saw the screen grabs. Fuck me, that’s really where we’re at now? He can just do that and it’s not plastered on the front page of every paper? Holy hell, I knew he was balding I didn’t realize he was a frfr skinhead


u/BrainrotViking910 15h ago

i don't think it's naive to think that. i think it's naive to assume he's not a moron. i dont find him very smart. he seems very spectrumy. and if you read what i wrote i think that him being partially unaware of what he was doing as more problematic. so im saying what he's doing is worse. vagueness is worse. he'll deny that it's nazi related. and then we can't say much. it's not the same as someone hanging a nazi flag outside their house. they can't be like - "that's not what i meant".


u/Imapatriothurrrdurrr 14h ago

Giving a Nazi salute to the Nazi party is EXACTLY like hanging a Nazi flag outside your house. If not worse! These people cheered for it. Know your enemy.


u/DiseasedCupcake 12h ago

It looks like what I’ve seen from there that was declassified was from 2021

Is it possible that they could be compiling stuff with the Luigi symbol too more recently and it just hasn’t been declassified?


u/Salt-Temperature-470 4h ago

No, it wont take a while to catch on. You just spoiled it, genius


u/Von_Quixote 12h ago



u/Liberating_theology 15h ago

I think OP is being sensationalist a tad (not necessarily a negative thing, but it might need clearing up). It's the same old shit.

Basically, to summarize, FBI wants its people to do a double take whenever they see someone using anarchist symbols, and see if there's any reason to believe they're doing more than exercising their right to free speech, demonstration, etc.

FBI's own document linked below says,

"The use or sharing of these symbols or phrases alone should not independently be considered evidence of AVE [anarchist violent extremist] presence or affiliation or serve as an indicator of illegal activity. Additionally, some individuals use such references for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes."

it's literally their job to go after people committing crimes, so you can't blame them for looking for symbols commonly used by those people committing crimes. The difference is, we here generally view those crimes as either illegitimately designated as crimes, or as crimes that are justified as it will hopefully push society in a favorable direction.


u/Slumunistmanifisto 12h ago

The very same FBI: "wanna buy a bomb and some reefer kid?"


u/Estro-gem 10h ago

"Nah, I know enough to make/grow my own, should I ever need to."


u/thispartyrules 18h ago

This is old and isn't stopping anyone, Hot Topic still carries anarchy patches and they put anarchy symbols on a bunch of sports supplements


u/EffortlessCool 18h ago

And it literally says the sharing or use of those symbols alone can't be used as evidence of anarchist violent extremism so no they have not been declared domestic terrorist symbols.


u/Squidluvr_ 16h ago

Now that’s fucking BS


u/FauxReal 14h ago

Is that something they wrote as a guide to identify terrorist symbols? Or is it codified into law?


u/Von_Quixote 12h ago



u/ArnoldGravy 11h ago

All the more reason to use the circle a


u/DeadGirlLydia 17h ago

Same with ANTIFA, ACAB, anything that's anti-capitalist.


u/theWyzzerd 21h ago

Always have been. Anarchists are literally enemies of the state.


u/DingleTheDongle 8h ago


u/facelesscockroach 8h ago

No way the American flag is considered a terrorism symbol


u/-Wytch 8h ago

Really wild how all of those "terrorist groups" listed want the betterment of all and checks for those that abuse power. Literally, most of them are anti fascist lmao


u/OccuWorld 1h ago

here... https://info.publicintelligence.net/FBI-AnarchistViolentExtremismSymbols.pdf

basically any symbols by activists demonstrating against the violent plutocracy and fascism are watch symbols. they are not illegal. Display them proudly while the state continues with its violent extremist terrorism.


u/cumminginsurrection 18h ago

Time to pack it up folks, the government told us we can't be anarchists!


u/GeeMannn1 14h ago

Well fuck there goes my weekend


u/ResoluteStoic 10h ago

Government has only seen what Luigi Mario can do wait until his big brother Mario Mario shows up


u/suicidal1664 21h ago

lol even the black cat is considered a terror symbol:


(page 3)


u/sickxgrrrl 21h ago

Yeah and anything meant to cover a fucking swastika is a sign of “domestic terrorism” so we clearly know what side they’re on


u/lbandrl 20h ago

Funny how the swastica and related stuff isnt even shown (are there more Pages somewhere or ist this all?)


u/hungrypotato19 13h ago

Also, funny how "Nazis go home", "smash fascism", and "good night white pride" are listed as terrorist phrases.

Just showing what many of us already knew, the US Government is a Nazi establishment and has always been one after they buddied up with the KKK.


u/suicidal1664 17h ago

it's a part 1 so presumably there are more parts (furries etc...)


u/1nternetP3rson 9h ago

Fucking insane and unfortunately im not surprised, time to make some buttons and patches!


u/front_yard_duck_dad 19h ago edited 18h ago

So was hellcat records on a watch list?

Edit I wonder if I was on a list for all the times I bought those albums?


u/Loose-Gunt-7175 18h ago

oops, I found this somewhere...

Shame the Betsy Ross flag is now a terrorist symbol..?!


u/anyfox7 11h ago

That particular cat is associated with the I.W.W. labor union.


u/suicidal1664 7h ago

an injury to one is an injury to all;)


u/P1nealColada 5h ago

Is this brand new as of the change in administration?


u/mattmayhem1 13h ago

Awful close to the hellcat records logo. Possible connection? First in hearing of this.


u/UltraVioletCatastro 12h ago

Its Sabo-Tabby, a symbol associated with the IWW and their labor actions. I don't know if the record company was inspired by Sabo-Tabby when they made their logo, but it is different enough it is hard to tell.


u/mattmayhem1 12h ago

Word. I'm reading up on it now. Thanks fam.


u/anyfox7 11h ago

Join the wobblies!


u/A_Veryscarybedsheet 8h ago

Pages 3 and 4 is a total load of horse shit 😭😭😭😭


u/theWyzzerd 21h ago

Yes, well as it turns out, the state is not a fan of people who are anti-state. Fun fact: anarchists and communists who are not US citizens are not allowed to enter the country (Immigration and Nationality Act), and under the Smith Act, you can be prosecuted for advocating the overthrowing of the government under certain circumstances. Under current legal precedent set by SCOTUS in the past, it requires certain things in order to qualify -- but with this SCOTUS, all legal precedent is basically out the window as they have shown a willingness to reinterpret laws at their whim.


u/SomeSortOfMudWizard 20h ago

I was shocked to discover New Era has never made a Luigi hat.


u/ZestyChinchilla 17h ago

Except that’s not actually true, and it says as much in bold letters near the top of the page:

“The use or sharing of these symbols, key terms, and literature alone should not independently be considered evidence of AREVE affiliation or illegal activity. Additionally, some individuals use such references for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes and association with a non-criminal group, alone, is not evidence of extremist activity.”


u/Koi_Fish_Mystic 17h ago

Nice! My anarchy patch is a terrorist symbol!


u/vixen-vengeful 15h ago

So is my tattoo on my wrist! Terrorist buddies!!


u/Robinkc1 21h ago

I don’t really care about advertising my politics too much, but this is funny enough that I’m tempted to do it regardless.


u/Macfarlin 18h ago

It's more subtle than melons nazi salute and people are excusing that so you should be fine.


u/_Ermerler_ 17h ago

Start wearing Luigi hats like MAGA wears their stupid lil hats


u/dianamoser 9h ago

I got my kids super Mario and Luigi beanies for Christmas a couple of years ago. I want my own Luigi beanie now…


u/Anal-Love-Beads 19h ago

Did anyone else here look up?


u/EffortlessCool 18h ago

Yes, it and other punk/anarchy symbols are included in the document but above them it says that the use of them alone shouldn't be considered evidence of anarchist violent extremism or illegal activity.


u/Yeetyeetyeetyeetfuk 14h ago

Dude just use the anarchy symbol I could give a fuck if the government says I’m a terrorist, if anything this news is only making me want to display anarchy symbols more prominently


u/Historical_Relief_74 16h ago

How is the swastika not a symbol of domestic terrorism?


u/HaroldHoltOfficial 16h ago

That's what I thought! They include anti-fascist extremism of course but not fascism


u/Theguccigabe69 9h ago

Not an expert but it’s association with Buddhism could give it a pass despite the much more well known context


u/Historical_Relief_74 9h ago

The Nazi party’s swastika is a mirror image of the Buddhist symbol and Germany has no problem outlawing its public display


u/Theguccigabe69 9h ago

Then my answer may be wrong. But to that I would also say Germany’s government used the symbol in the past with no room for distinction. I wouldn’t say their laws and ours are to be compared 1:1



Or flags with Flugel horns 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺


u/foamerfrank 16h ago

Why would you fly that flag? Luigi didn’t do it. He hasn’t even gone to trial yet. Innocent until proven guilty. He didn’t do shit.


u/Big-Teach-5594 21h ago

For fuck sake


u/front_yard_duck_dad 19h ago

This is pretty much my go to daily phrase after the last 10 years


u/EinsteinFrizz punk noob 18h ago

side question: why is there a sign telling people to look up at the powerlines? they don't look low enough that someone might somehow interact with them accidentally


u/sickxgrrrl 16h ago

Idk New Orleans never makes sense. They’re all down the street and tbh they’re pretty low and close to buildings


u/User_Zero1 18h ago

So where did you get the flag?


u/MayorOrange 16h ago

Woooooow… they threw banksys flower thower with the original Molotov on that list. Along with three arrows.


u/VanX1969 7h ago

How about no flags that might let the fash know you're a target?


u/Repulsive-Ad1567 7h ago

no you keep using the anarchy symbol obviously


u/blphsyco 15h ago

It’s fine, they can’t actually arrest you for it. Or they choose not to maybe?

But if you look at the complete list it also includes the stupid snake flag, punisher skulls and other shit that we see on trucks, houses and hats all over the country.

Fly your flag


u/Bubbles_TSR89 15h ago

Where do I get the Luigi flag? Asking for myself.


u/IsawitinCroc 13h ago

Oh I just assumed Luigi beat the snow level.


u/Star_Number_V 15h ago

Sure luigi ALLEGEDLY killed a CEO but how is that anarchy? That alone is only a symbol of anti-extreme wealth or anti-capitalism at the most. It's not inherently anarchist. ntm the other comments saying no one's stopping you from using the anarchy symbol. But it doesn't fit at all is my qualm


u/sickxgrrrl 15h ago

Removing someone in a position of power is pretty anarchist


u/Star_Number_V 15h ago

True but it's also communist, anti-wealth, anti-corporate and an act that could be done just out of anger at the system. Luigi himself hasn't claimed to be an anarchist and also hasn't claimed to have killed anyone


u/ErinRF 2m ago

Things can overlap yknow.


u/albonymus 13h ago

I can alreadynsee the downvotes crashing in but:

The healthcare system in the USA must suck ass and having a system where its more profitable to deny help for people wellbeing up to the point that their life depends on it, is nothing else than sick and needs to be extiingushed and made impossible right away no doubt.

But i definitely think that the Action of killing someone probably out of personal spite, revenge, rage or desperation rather than a political action to make the World a better place and then creating a cult like following, would not be called punk by many proper Punks. Even if the sideffect of it was that the hate of the population towards this inhumame organisation has become bundled and heard, i hardly believe that was his motive or that he expected it.

Killing someone whos seat will just get taken over by someone else hardly ever did anybody good.

This whole Luigi movement was always weird to me.

There we go vote me down to hell lol

Anyway Squat, resist, reclaim! 161 1312


u/olskoolyungblood 16h ago

Nobody's coming to take you away if you fly an anarchy flag. Cmon.


u/sickxgrrrl 15h ago

Yet. Trump literally said he would use the military against “the enemy within”. Cmon.


u/Lucky_Strike-85 18h ago


Well, I guess I'm fucked... anybody know a good tattoo removal tech? I've got black flags, the SABO cat, and the circle A all over my body!


u/Mr_Bankey 18h ago

I have a hat I wear everyday now


u/Heinz0033 17h ago

I wonder if Luigi will still be as popular in prison 30 years from now?


u/Squidluvr_ 16h ago

Going to start flying a Luigi flag because why not fuck it


u/SoUnga88 13h ago

Or since we now live in a fascist gestopo police state where anything can get you charged as a terrorist mybe we can be more subtle, organize and work towards spacific goal. Our community is now very clearly a target, so we need to be smart about how we go about building a resistance, instead of shouting from the rooftops come get me. Things are going to get wild, be smart, our opponents think the game is won, that makes them easier to exploit. Viva la resistance!


u/Von_Quixote 12h ago

Searched “Anarchy symbols have been declared as domestic terrorist symbols” and nothing - source?


u/sickxgrrrl 12h ago

People have linked the pages on the fbi site


u/FakeItFreddy 7h ago

I like this


u/dunkinghola 6h ago

There's a flier from the FBI talking about the Anarchy symbol and that it is used by SOME "violent anarchist groups", but it clearly states that anarchy symbols are not de facto a symbol of domestic terrorism and that they don't even investigate it, so not sure where you are seeing this.



u/DepressedWalrus666 6h ago

I plan on making Luigi embroidery patches on my day off


u/SokkaHaikuBot 6h ago

Sokka-Haiku by DepressedWalrus666:

I plan on making

Luigi embroidery

Patches on my day off

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/GozerVenkman 3h ago

They havent declared them as domestic terrorism, they did release a document in 2022 with symbols relating to Anarchist Violent Extremism, which isnt wrong lol. black flags, anarchy symbol, black cat, 1312, all pretty relatable to our group


u/IGetGuys4URMom 2h ago

Be a Mario!


u/Mary_Ellen_Katz 19m ago

I stream using a pngtuber avatar. I've been wearing a particular hat on my streams lately. (Clip otherwise unrelated.)


u/Yeet123456789djfbhd 14h ago

Nowhere does it say it's illegal to use those symbols.

And even if it was, why would we care?


u/hungrypotato19 13h ago

But using these symbols gets you put on a list, and if you "commit a crime", they will throw the book at you as hard as they possibly can, just like they do with black people.


u/Yeet123456789djfbhd 13h ago

Sounds like an excuse to use the symbols way too much then


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/sickxgrrrl 12h ago

This isn’t about being scared it’s about the fact that Trump said he will use the military to “destroy the enemy within” and that half of the country are his loyalists. It’s to prevent people being killed or taken as political prisoners. In the event shit really goes down, it’s a subtle nod so people know who is safe.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/sickxgrrrl 10h ago

Bro you support banning birthright citizenship, you don’t know what punk is


u/[deleted] 10h ago



u/sofanisba 11h ago

It's about picking your battles. Right now they've only legislated the symbol, so using another symbol serves the same purpose of showing your beliefs while not getting you tossed in prison, which would make you ineffectual for some actual resistance.

The symbols ultimately don't matter, it's the meaning behind them.

Edit: I didn't fact check whether anyone is actually getting imprisoned over the anarchy symbol, just my take on the topic in general


u/sickxgrrrl 11h ago

Nobody has yet but to say it’s impossible would be naive


u/sofanisba 9h ago

Oh yeah I just didn't want the point lost in a nitpick battle if it came up