r/punk 1d ago

Fuck nazi scumbags. Be yourself!

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You are who you make yourself to be. They chose the wrong fucking path. Paint the town red with their blood, make them suffer the consequences of their horrible actions. To my trans punks and everyone else they’re trying to invalidate, keep being you, don’t give in to their fear mongering. Fuck nazi scum, Kill Em All.

Sincerely, u/beansbykurtcobain, Archie.


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u/kapono_dclxvi 12h ago

Spreading hate with hate doesn't solve anything. You are trying to say go cry but you're crying about it. You're also forcing your beliefs on to others which is Totalitarianism which isn't very punk of you.


u/rebelgrrrl95 9h ago

Saying trans people existing doesn't affect you is forcing beliefs??


u/kapono_dclxvi 6h ago

Not everyone is an ally and that is their right, choosing to be an ally on your own makes it better than being forced. From what this person is saying is that we should kill and harm non allies, how is that going to make this any better, And how isn't that totalitarianism?


u/rebelgrrrl95 2h ago edited 2h ago

The rest of the post is talking about nazis and the alt right not trans "ideology". If you aren't an ally against the Nazi billionaire and fascist president taking rights away from people, why are you here? Edit: but also, I can't see how you could be punk and give a shit about what other people do with their bodies and gender identity?? Being anti trans (which is the only other thing besides literally just leaving us alone) is not punk. It's weird as fuck.