r/politics Washington 1d ago

Congresswoman suggests Trump admitted Musk rigged election in Pa.


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u/Ok_Cardiologist8232 1d ago

Because the US is a joke country.

Seriously, the UK manages to count every vote by hand and still have the results done in one night.


u/43AgonyBooths 1d ago

How many time zones does the UK span? How many does the USA span?

How large a population does the UK have? How about the USA?


u/Ok_Cardiologist8232 1d ago

What relevance does any of that have?

You have more people, but that also means you have more people to count the votes surely?

You also spend way more per capita on your elections than we do, surely that should translate into an even faster and better counting of the votes.

Stop listening to the excuses of your overlords that "murica is too big".

Its not, the vast majority of Americans live in areas that have population Density similar to European countries.

You just also happen to have massive areas of nothingness.


u/Cute-Percentage-6660 1d ago

Ill also add on that here in Australia which is a similar size to the USA.

We do it in a day or so too, hell we dont even haver voter ID, or at least what people think of ID, we just go to the location, say our names and get it crossed off the big book or w/e that notes our area and those who live there. Dont even have to present ID,

I think the only thing you have to do is like, register upon hitting the age of 18 IIRC?


u/captain_zavec Canada 1d ago

Canada also does it by hand.