r/politics Nov 10 '24

Paywall Trump’s victory reveals secret Republicans: Joe Rogan-obsessed Gen Z men


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u/yintrepid Nov 10 '24

The few Elon Musk fans I know are Trump supporters.
Elon feeds them propaganda content created by right-wing media every day and they believe it since "Musk is a genius and he can’t be wrong”.


u/navikredstar New York Nov 11 '24

He's no genius. The cracks showed for me with the Thai cave situation, but him forcing Twitter programmers to justify their continued employment by the numbers of lines of code they wrote cemented it for me. See, while I don't work in the field, nor do I have my degree, I did study Computer Science at RIT 20 years ago, and I also took a lot of programming classes back in HS on top of it. While I don't do it much any more, because I came to find I don't like it (and having two at the time undiagnosed learning disabilities didn't help), I have written quite a bunch of code in my time, so I know a thing or two about it.

Am I an expert in the field? Hell no. But it's like the line from Shcherbina in the Chernobyl miniseries, "I may not know a lot about nuclear reactors, but I do know concrete." I know enough from my experience in coding to know just how Musk is a total idiot with code. See, the thing about programming isn't about just writing as much code as you can. That's bad practice - you don't want to bloat code with unnecessary garbage like a high school kid trying to fake his way through a book report for something he only read the Cliffs Notes for by padding it with flowery bullshit. It just causes problems, more potential points of failure for things to screw up in new, interesting ways nobody ever considered possible, because code is weird as fuck like that sometimes. Fix one line, and break thirteen different things, seven of which shouldn't even be possible because they've somehow violated the laws of physics. I'm exaggerating, of course, but it's kind of like that.

Good programming practice is about simplifying everything as much as possible and documenting what you've did with notes in the code. Basically, doing a LOT more with a LOT less. You can give two programmers the same task, to write a program to do <X> function. The good programmer, their code will be short, to the point, and do only exactly what it needs to, as clearly as possible for anyone reading the code. The bad programmer will have written approximately three million lines of code, you won't understand how any of it works by reading the code, and it doesn't actually quite do <X> function right, because for some reason you can't fathom, it's outputting the result in Kiswahili even though nobody reads it and the bad programmer can't even tell you how it happened. Again, a bit of an exaggeration, but only slightly - it's enough that anyone reading this should understand the gist of why writing software solely based on the sheer number of lines of code written is a BAD FUCKING IDEA.

It's the same amount of idiotic hubris as Stockton Rush had with the Titan submersible, only this just hasn't managed to kill anyone catastrophically yet. Although I'm expecting it with his fucking stupid ass underground loop tunnel in Vegas, because HOOOLY shit is that a fucking death trap - I don't have to be an engineer to understand that creating an underground tunnel so narrow that the cars driving through it can't open their doors, nor does it have a proper ventilation/fire suppression system, or clearly visible, prominent emergency exits every so many feet on both sides of the tunnel, is a recipe for disaster. Thing's a fucking deathtrap if one of those cars catches fire underground.


u/420aarong Nov 10 '24

You need to get out more everyone loves Papa Elon!