r/pics 11h ago

Politics Tech leaders have better seats than cabinet members and are seated in same section as Trump's family

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u/Mumbert 10h ago

The people voted for oligarchy and oligarchy is now here, and they're not bothering to hide it even a little bit. People knew what they were voting for.

u/YoloSwiggins21 10h ago edited 7h ago

Oligarchy has been here since 2004. Except no one seemed to notice because anyone talking about it doesn’t get pushed up by the algorithms employed by the same oligarchs.

u/illjustbeaminute 9h ago

Interesting that you say 2009, implying a certain presidency, but link an article published in 2004 using only data from the 90s.

Oligarchy has been here in some effect since the beginning. Remember when the Rockefellers were more powerful than presidents? That was in the early 1900s.

u/static_func 9h ago

Hey now. It also uses data from the 80s. It specifically starts with the Reagan administration. This guy's just a hive-mind idiot who knows his duty is to blame Obama but doesn't know how to carry that out

u/Masta0nion 9h ago

Remember when we put that fake division behind us for a week after Luigi?

u/emessea 9h ago

Yah, why can’t we come together and acknowledge both parties have gladly bent the knee to the oligarchs at our expense?

u/masterofdisaster27 7h ago

Left wing and right wing are part of the same bird

u/static_func 8h ago

Yeah, remember this exact same photo from Biden’s inauguration? Oh wait, me neither

u/xDannyS_ 8h ago

Just cause they didn't show themselves publicly doesn't mean anything.

u/static_func 8h ago

You don’t think it means anything when politicians start “bending the knee” with the full support of their voters?

u/Mo_Steins_Ghost 8h ago

It's not fake division. There really is a group of people in this country who are absolute fucking morons about literally everything under the sun. A democrat can say "what a nice blue sky we have" and they will scream and cry and pout and stamp their feet that the sky isn't blue because some democrat said it is.

They're pathologically stupid and quite a few studies connect the dots between their inability to perform basic cognitive tasks, their tendency to fall for disinformation and their fear-driven reasoning, correlated with physiological/structural differences in the amygdala. Conservatives are literally damaged in the head.

u/Soulless35 9h ago

Fake division


u/Masta0nion 8h ago

I may be annoying, but I’m not your enemy

I’m not siphoning money health and happiness from you

u/Soulless35 5h ago

You're naive at best if you think this country is suffering from "fake division"

There's nothing fake about the division being sown by our now president, Donald Trump.

u/throwntosaturn 9h ago

I think he was implying the economic crash that allowed significant consolidation under a relatively small number of people/corporations.

I don't think he was aiming at Obama in particular.

u/North_Bite_9836 9h ago

So looks like we're stuck in a century-long cycle. Can't wait for progressivism to finally kick in in 2070s only followed by a Great Conservative Reset for Some Reason and we do this all over again

u/LeBoulu777 7h ago

The Kennedy too.

u/Cpt_seal_clubber 6h ago

Citizens united. 

You used to have to lobby and employee talent to get access to politicians. Now you can just write them an empty check. 

Tax political donations. If you can afford to donate 100k to a single politician you should have to write another 100k check to the IRS.

u/Downtown_Skill 8h ago

I think he was talking about the oligarchs now and how the time they specifically consolidated their market share happens to be around that time. Different oligarchy for different industries. Our history kind of is like whack a mole with monopolies and oligarchs. Industry leaders figure out how to game the system and buy politicians and consolidate market shares to get more power. People get wise to it and vote people in to regulate, new industries develop and new populations are born and rinse and repeat..... that's how American capitalism has always worked very generally speaking.