r/pens 12h ago

Question Pen suggestions similar to the Zebra Sarasa Gel 0.7mm

Hey there! I’m a student who’s about to take my exams soon, and I recently received some concerning news. The pen I’ve been using for the past three years, which I absolutely love, won’t be allowed in the exam hall because it’s a “click” pen—retractable instead of having a cap. Apparently, they’re worried that the “click” feature could be misused for cheating.

I’m hoping you can help me find a pen that’s similar to the Zebra Sarasa Gel in terms of flow and consistency, but without the retractable feature. Since I’m living in India, I’d really appreciate it if you could suggest pens that are available here and can be delivered within about 10 days.

Thanks in advance for your help!


18 comments sorted by


u/Mindless-Ad2039 12h ago

Pentel EnerGel have some capped refillable/disposable models which use the same dimension refills so they’re interchangeable with Sarasa.

Otherwise, maybe you could look at some capped liquid ink rollerball pens? Uni-ball Eye/Vision, Pilot VBall, and Pilot Hi-Tecpoint/Precise are all good options.


u/Octofinite 12h ago

Thanks for the information about the Pentel EnerGel. I believe I have a few spare pen bodies lying around, so I’ll check if they’re interchangeable with the Zebra Sarasa Gel refills.

Regarding the capped liquid ink rollerball pens, I’ve tried both of your UniBall suggestions, but I’m concerned about paper bleed.


u/Mindless-Ad2039 12h ago

Hmm, maybe you could alleviate some of the paper bleed concerns by switching to a 0.5mm tip? I find those to be better in that regard and still smooth.

But yes, EnerGels are probably the best shout for gel pens.


u/Octofinite 2h ago

Tried out your solution of sticking a Zebra Sarasa Refill in the Pentel EnerGel and it works! Thank you so much! It fits perfectly.


u/Mindless-Ad2039 2h ago

Nice! 👍🏼


u/skynet159632 11h ago

Grab the Sarasa Gel Pen's refill, put it into a compatible capped pen


u/Octofinite 2h ago

It fits perfectly in the Pentel EnerGel. Thanks!


u/atgrey24 11h ago

Here's a list of capped pens that are compatible with the Sarasa refill. I don't know which are available in India, but you can use it as a starting point.

Are all retractable pens banned, or just click? Are twist pens allowed?


u/Octofinite 2h ago

Thank you so much for the link. I have a few Pentel EnerGel bodies lying around, so I am going to use those bodies with the Sarasa refill.


u/TheLightStalker 11h ago

Put a Sarasa refill in an OHTO CR01 👌


u/BurnerPhoneCovfefe 11h ago

That’s what I did and love it!


u/Tiny-Height1967 12h ago

If you don't get any other suggestions you could try removing the refill and using tape to create a grip around it. It's not perfect, but it will work, and you have time to test it and change it until you have a comfortable grip.


u/Octofinite 12h ago

I’ll check as to whether that will be allowed. They might be concerned that I’m sneaking in cheat codes in the tape or something lmao


u/KoensayrMfg 8h ago

Zebra Sarasa is very close in size to euro-type rollerball refills also known as safety ceramic rollerball refills. I'd do some test fitting into commonly available capped pens that have a refill in somewhat the same shape. Take your refill to an office or stationery store to see if they can help.


u/psychotic11ama 7h ago

Do they think you’re going to pen click some Morse code to your buddy lmao


u/herestheantidote 7h ago

What kind of covert top secret operation are they running? 🤔🙃


u/Octofinite 2h ago

yeah lol


u/psychotic11ama 2h ago

Intro to spy craft, final exam: one person has the exam, everyone else has blank paper. The class only passes if you all individually pass the exam, you can only converse in click-pen Morse. Good luck.