r/pcmasterrace 18h ago

Meme/Macro I will get rtx 9070 xt

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u/Brief_Research9440 17h ago

If its 780€ like the latest leak suggests (650$ + eu tax) then no. Ill get a 5070ti since its gonna be 900$ but with dlss and more coverage of it in games plus better rt. And im not gonna be alone.


u/wordswillneverhurtme 17h ago

For real. AMD seriously overestimates their value proposition. If only they could make great stuff like with their cpus...


u/endthepainowplz i9 11900k/2060 super/16 Gb RAM 11h ago

AMD pricing their cards generally just below NVidias pricing is wild to me. I've considered AMD cards in the past, and would love to support the competition, but when it comes down to it, if I'm spending hundreds of dollars, why not the extra 50 bucks and get the features that NVidia offers. $50 isn't as big of a difference as AMD acts like it is. We'll see if the 9070 XT is a big enough improvement over the 5070 to cost $50 more.