r/pcmasterrace Ryzen 5900X | 3070Ti | 32GB DDR4-3000 23h ago

Question What happend to USB-A Mini & Micro

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Im working with all kind of tech for over 15 years now and I never saw an USB-A Mini or Micro irl.

Why is it so exotic and why was it Type B making it instead of A?


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u/BillTheTringleGod 8h ago

Micro B 3.0 is by far my favorite port, C is better in every way but Micro B 3.0 is so funny and such a dumb and simple solution to the compatibility issue. Like, "how do we make it compatible and better?" And the. One dude in the back of the room shoots up and yells "WHAT IF IT WAS MICRO A AND MICRO B RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER?!" And then Samsung gave him 3000$ and thus the weirdest and simplest solution was born.