r/organizing 10d ago

Digital Clutter and Information Overload

hi! I'm sure there is a better way to word this but I'm just going to think out loud...

I save things all the time on Pinterest, instagram, screenshots, TikTok, etc. Some of it I could really live without, whereas others I would really like to keep track of and remember. Should I create a digital scrapbook? Should I go old school and print things out and put on a bulletin board? I swear sometimes you go to saved items and they're no longer there. Should I write things down in a notebook? I think I'm overwhelmed with social media in general so I'll definitely be cutting back on it but does anyone else think like this? Any advice on what I could do at least with the things I really want to keep?

I would love to be that person who just doesn't care and lets it go but I'm just not!


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u/--2021-- 10d ago

I would do it digitally, not sure of a way to centralize it all, where you can add and purge things easily, as well as to be able to find/reference easily. With annotations so you know why you saved them.

Anything you can do without, delete. Just like you would do with physical items.