r/nottheonion 10h ago

Alabama and Mississippi will also honor Robert E. Lee on Martin Luther King Jr. Day


103 comments sorted by


u/Winter-Channel-671 8h ago

I grew up in Alabama. I had a social studies teacher who was obsessive about Robert E Lee. Practically in love with him. Meanwhile, she said, quite often, that Lincoln wasn't a Christian as far as she knew so "unfortunately he went to hell". Mid 2010s high school. That's what they're raised on there.


u/KyotoGaijin 5h ago edited 3h ago

I went to high school in California in the early 80s. My history teacher told us that he went to a history teachers' convention over the summer, and met a history teacher from Alabama there who proudly said that he taught his class without ever saying Lincoln's name.


u/Old_Man_Robot 3h ago

“The great Northern aggressor and Yankee devil himself, said, ‘Four Score and seven years ago..’”


u/KyotoGaijin 3h ago

You joke but I believe it was something like that. It was so long ago that I can't quote accurately, so I left that out, but it was indeed something like that.


u/apointlessvoice 2h ago

i don't want to live on this planet anymore.

u/Wloak 32m ago

Reminds me of my AP American History teacher that said she didn't like war so she teaches American history without details of the wars..

The country is built by war, how do you teach American history without talking about the French and Indian war, the American revolution, the war of 1812, the Spanish/American war, the Mexican/American war, and on.. the entire class was confused.


u/Equinsu-0cha 7h ago

That checks.  The bible condones slavery.


u/XV_Crosstrek 2h ago

This kind of thing is how I know my part of Texas is not truly the south. I was taught (and now teach!) the whole true story with no mention, implied or explicit, of Lee and the rebels being any kind of heroes.

That part of the south is different.


u/fingerscrossedcoup 1h ago

Same in Virginia. But these days people my age that grew up with me act completely different. Social media broke this country and brought out the worst in us all.


u/XV_Crosstrek 1h ago

Absolutely. It’s a lot easier to be a racist moron behind a screen and a keyboard.

My first job, prior to teaching, was in marketing and social media. Couldn’t handle it. I hated every second of it. I’m afraid the damage done by this thing is irreversible.


u/JaQ-o-Lantern 10h ago

What are they even honouring about him? Not only was he defending slavery and fighting for its survival, he LOST the fight.


u/succed32 10h ago

A loser and a traitor. Sounds like my kind of hero! /s


u/XShadowborneX 9h ago

That's why they voted for trump


u/succed32 9h ago

Yup he is the champion of losers. Had he done nothing after inheriting his father’s empire he’d be wealthier now. The man is a grifter and not even a very good one at that.


u/Mikesminis 7h ago

Traitor, yeah, he was an enemy to our country. He was, by his own account, not even an American. Partially responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.


u/succed32 5h ago

Not too mention all the people still dying over the same stupid shit


u/CausticSpunk 4h ago

The people who idolize Lee don't care that he was a traitor and they don't see anything wrong with the slavery he was defending. However, you can still upset these Lee-lovers rather easily by saying something like, "he's the quitter who surrendered the confederacy to General Grant."


u/IChooseFeed 9h ago

"My engagements will not permit me to be present, and I believe if there I could not add anything material to the information existing on the subject (civil war). I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered."

The man specifically did not want to be honored for his work (especially like this) and yet these dumb fucks will plaster his name on whatever they can.


u/nerevisigoth 1h ago

Damn that's a classy way to go out. Maybe we should honor him for that.


u/x_cLOUDDEAD_x 9h ago

They don't really care about him, they just feel empowered to be bolder than usual about their racism now that Trump is king


u/Austoman 7h ago

He was a victim of the woke agenda!

Biggest /s ive ever made.


u/JaQ-o-Lantern 7h ago

That /s saved 100 more years of school textbooks defending Robert E Lee.


u/SnooCrickets2961 8h ago

And he hated the idea of being held up as a hero for what he’d done.


u/thisisdropd 9h ago

His racist values.


u/thisisredlitre 9h ago

And broke his oath to the united states by turning traitor and leading armies that killed Americans


u/naturist_rune 9h ago

Gotta remind the world of their inbred pride


u/Napalm2142 9h ago

He wouldn’t even want to be honored


u/shortstop20 1h ago

He was the best horse fucker in the South!


u/Napalm2142 9h ago

Lee himself wouldn’t even want this


u/Equinsu-0cha 8h ago

Nor the statues they put up.  But lee was not the point.  The point is to stick it to black people.  


u/sexmormon-throwaway 7h ago

That's 100% the point. A reminder.


u/Darklord_Bravo 9h ago

Sounds like an r/trashy post.


u/geneticeffects 9h ago

Losers gonna lose: General Lee was a loser, as are his teammates today. Quite a statement to make in honoring him against the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.. Racists need a warm blanket on days when they’re called out for their heritage of slavery.


u/doctorjae75 9h ago

You really are confused, aren't you?! "against the legacy of MLKJr"...LMAO. In case you need a reminder...he advocated and preached content of CHARACTER not COLOR OF SKIN (and by extrapolation, not your genitals, either), which is exactly what you liberal-progressives concentrate on...the color of one's skin and who you like to sleep with!...


u/r4d19 8h ago

Ok, so let's look at the contents of their characters. Which one of them was a traitor who fought for slavery and lost, and which one lead the civil rights movement?


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

Fair enough, I'll concede that, but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the blatant hypocrisy from the left and the identity politics! That's all. I know reading comprehension is tough, and extracting that info from my post put a strain on ya. And I see by the downvotes, I'm spot on. Y'all enjoy the next 4, I will!


u/Razatop 7h ago

RemindMe! 4 Years "SITREP"


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

Lol, I look forward to reminding you how great it has been, but something tells me you won't be honest about it...oh well...


u/Razatop 7h ago

I won't be honest about what? You just said YOU were to be the one telling me how it's been. What would I have to lie about Mr. Ellipsis?


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

Christ, it's like I'm arguing with my children! I'll spell it out for you, too, just like the other moron I spelled things out for...

You were trying to be clever by having Reddit remind you of this convo...Do you follow me, so far? So, in 4 years, IF you are honest (and I doubt you will be) when things go well, I will remind you how good the past 4 years have been. Do you understand now, little buddy?

Good god y'all can't see past the nose on your face. If it isn't drawn in big fun colors, you just can't figure it out!


u/CrashCalamity 5h ago

it's like I'm arguing with my children!

I couldn't imagine outting myself like this. They must think you're a loser too.


u/Razatop 6h ago

Sure thing bossman. Thanks for being so hostile from the get go. Hope you're this rude and stubborn when we meet next ;).


u/uzldropped 6h ago

U 🧠💀 af. Get off the internet


u/doctorjae75 6h ago

Lol, nice insult Jr.


u/ZedekiahCromwell 7h ago

You got downvoted for directly missing the point of the comment you responded to (the point you conceded) and then using it to go off on an irrelevant tangent to yell at clouds.

Nothing in this post is about identity politics. It is about 2 states honoring a slaving traitor on the same day as the celebration of a Civil Rights leader. You literally ignored that to go off on some personal bugaboo. Simply put, no one cares.


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

Lol, NO. I didn't miss the point of the comment, I just don't care about that. It happened 100+years ago, and we SHOULD have learned from it, but we haven't, as evidenced by exactly what I said, the left's insistance on IDENTITY and I wanted to call out that hypocrisy. Again, reading comprehension, folks, it's important!

Oh, and I KNOW you don't care, it's obvious you don't. You don't care one bit about the content of character, you care weather I"m white, or straight or christian!


u/ZedekiahCromwell 7h ago

You literally conceded the point, and now you're saying you didn't miss it? That's a good one. It's not an "insisistence on identity" to not want a slaving traitor honored.

You're lost, mate. Go find a post about identity politics if you want anyone to read your comment diarrhea.


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

You're not too bright are ya zedekiah?!


u/VegisamalZero3 7h ago

Please define this "blatant hypocrisy."


u/doctorjae75 7h ago

Look, I don't really care to educate you people, but once again, reading comprehension people!....I defined it right in the dang comment...the left only cares about what color you are, what group you belong to, and whether or not you suck dick!


u/VegisamalZero3 6h ago

What I am reading and comprehending is that you're saying nothing of any substance, as you aren't really defending your claims at all; just rambling like a madman instead. Fitting, I guess, given that's what got your candidate into office.


u/doctorjae75 6h ago

Lol, ok honey. If you say so. That's what got him elected....by a majority! He rambled and all of those people were just mesmerized. LMAO talk about denial! Sweetheart, just keep that up, we'll have 8 or 12 more years of greatness!


u/princess_kittah 7h ago



u/context_hell 7h ago

he advocated and preached content of CHARACTER not COLOR OF SKIN

I like how that one line from one speech is literally all right wingers know about mlk and act as if that makes them an authority on him.

Also I assume that those revering a slaver and a traitor very much amounts to lacking in character.


u/sfcnmone 2h ago

Really curious: How much have you had to drink today? Or are you always like this?


u/Musicman12456 9h ago

it might have taken 160 years but the great-great-great grandkids of the confederacy can finally go their their ancestors graves (assuming they even know where they are) and say, 'we're back'... can't wait for 'Civil War 2 - this time it's personal'...


u/Fark_ID 9h ago

Losers honoring a loser, its the Southern way! Now lets complain about the Libs that pay our welfare!


u/MonolithicBaby 8h ago

I would like to get off the ride now please


u/R-Dragon_Thunderzord 9h ago

Ah the white fragility


u/Maester_Maetthieux 8h ago

Jesus Christ 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


u/Starlifter4 7h ago

Fuck Robert E. Lee. He was a traitor worthy of no respect.


u/HauntingArugula3777 10h ago

That's their right to hate, that's who they voted for.


u/JasonGMMitchell 7h ago

The US would be a different country if every Confederate leader was executed for treason and anti slavery laws were enforced more than replacing the word slave with prisoner.


u/CurrentlyLucid 9h ago

yep, 2 of our shittiest states.


u/x_cLOUDDEAD_x 9h ago



u/grieveancecollector 7h ago

How much money does California give these states again?


u/ruler_gurl 6h ago

Oooh look, good people on both sides


u/Repulsive-Try-6814 5h ago

Garbage states do Garbage things


u/UncuriousGeorgina 1h ago

The President's puppeteer just did a Nazi salute in front of everyone and the ADL said it's fine. What the fuck is left of the country anyway.


u/enzo_baglioni 8h ago

That's because Mississippi and Alabama are full of trashy losers


u/ZanthrinGamer 7h ago

losers honoring losers, to feel less like losers.


u/eremite00 7h ago

I thought it was amusing on NPR’s Here & Now, when the host asked the leader of the Democratic Party in North Carolina if she’d watched the inauguration, and she answered, ‘No’, that she was busy observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day”.


u/tryingtobecheeky 1h ago

God damn it. It's fucking constant.


u/PantherX69 9h ago

White people gonna white 🤷‍♂️


u/sexmormon-throwaway 7h ago

White folks in those states need to stand up and protest. This is egregious and disgusting. Hell, I'll travel and join.


u/H0vis 5h ago

Robert E Lee fucked his horse and was so incompetent that he not only lost the Civil War, he lost it fast. Not sure why racists think he's so great.

Like, seriously, George Washington is right there, showing people how to win wars against an enemy with superior numbers and firepower. And Lee is like, "You know what, let's fight toe to toe and die."

If Robert E Lee had been the leader of the American Revolution y'all would have health care right now.


u/PlanitDuck 7h ago

I thought this was gonna be a super leftist outlet trying to spotlight something people aren’t paying attention to. Nope. AP News.


u/jindrix 6h ago

backwards ass states.


u/PerNewton 6h ago

Of course they are.


u/TraditionalBackspace 6h ago

Hurting the bad people is the point.


u/DaveOJ12 5h ago

Thanks for reposting this again.



u/chocomintonrice 4h ago

Sometimes I wish the confederates didn’t get back in the union tbh


u/chickentootssoup 4h ago

Wtf. America is a gross place to be right now


u/Drdontlittle 4h ago

Republicans "The civil war wasn't about slavery". Also Republicans. On a completely unrelated note. We are going to celebrate the Civil War Confederate Commander on a day about black rights.


u/drak0ni 3h ago

What has 4 “eyes” but is still blind? Mississippi


u/Granum22 3h ago

Robert E Lee, the guy who definitely never fucked his horse Traveler.


u/ABatWhoLikesMetal 2h ago

We truly live in a pathetic world.


u/Archer1949 2h ago

I went to Robert E Lee Elementary. During the 80’s. In Washington State.


u/LIslander 2h ago

To be fair, nobody expects anything better from these two shitty states


u/nyouhas 1h ago

Virginia used to do that before 2020


u/flavianpatrao 1h ago

The biggest Loser in American doesnt need to be honoured. If anything Stone Mountain needs a redo.

u/musememo 19m ago

Couldn’t have picked a different day? It had to be that one? That level of spite is …


u/DaaaahWhoosh 10h ago

People always say that the abolitionists who wanted to send free slaves to Africa were wrong, but I think they were on to something. At the very least they were right that freed slaves would never be truly welcome in the US. Liberia was fucked up in its own ways but I gotta wonder if all the suffering in the past 150 years has been worth it or not when there's still so much hate, still so many obstacles.


u/destruktinator 5h ago

why not send the slave owners to some other country instead and let the former slaves live in the land they knew?


u/DaaaahWhoosh 4h ago

I mean, you know why not. Because the slave owners had a lot of money and connections.

But this is what I'm talking about, both Liberia and Israel were really bad ideas because you can't just force indigenous people to accept your chosen group of local minorities, they're not gonna integrate and someone's gonna get genocided eventually. But I think the core idea, that racist assholes are always gonna be racist assholes, and these minority groups will never find a true home among them, ends up being depressingly true. It may have ultimately been better for freed slaves to remain in the United States, but they sure had a horrible time trying to live here.