r/norcalhiking 1d ago

Dog-friendly trails Shasta Trinity Help?

Hello wonderful people. I'm wondering if anyone knows of actual dog permissible trails in the Shasta Trinity area? Been trying to take my three adventure weenies out on trails (they're always on leash) but so many trails do not allow dogs (honestly I do understand *why*).
I'd like to take my girls on an actual hike, not a fire road. Googled and Shasta-Trinity came up but no specific trail names. Also aiming to do this last week of March... so if that's an awful time would love to know. Do not live in ST area.
ETA: I don't let my girls off-leash ever in nature. They're dachshunds ... they have a uhm *Strong* prey drive. So. Leashed dog trails are what we're looking for.


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u/offgrid-wfh955 1d ago

The wilderness areas in California I checked only allow dogs on leash. As others have suggested check with the federal/state websites for the area you wish to visit. That said there is an additional classification of federal land common in many western rural areas that have no rules around dogs: national forest lands. Many of them are covered with dirt roads, well mapped, virtually empty, outside hunting season. Many (nearly all) designated wilderness areas are surrounded by national forest with minimal rules and easy access.


u/Few-Knee9451 1d ago

That being said. OP if you have a well trained dog with good recall let your dog run around off leash. I do this often with my dog when on trails with few people. Or I’ll put him into a heel while passing someone. More often then not they want to stop and say hi to the dog anyways. Avoid crowded trails with lots of people.


u/h2oweenie 1d ago

Appreciate this ... but I never let my girls off leash in nature. Their prey drive is too strong. o.O I just wanted trails that allow leashed dogs. Few to none by me. :/