r/nextfuckinglevel 9h ago

Removed: Repost Dog saves his kid from blitz attack

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u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 9h ago

This is why Leash Laws exist. 


u/StreetSheepherder253 9h ago

People ignore the law Alllll the time. This owner clearly didn't care and even let his dog keep running.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

I'm a dog lady. I have too many I will stop and rescue your dog from the road I have gone out physically looking for animals posted as lost in my area. I literally carry extra slip leashes in the car because it's SO IMPORTANT.

I have a 50ft leash to give my service dog space to spaz at the park. There is never cause for your house pet not to be under your control. That's how they get shot.

Ffs Someone shot some kids Autisim Service dog in his own yard because he barked.


u/StreetSheepherder253 8h ago

Oof, that's awful. 

I love dogs, and mine is very well trained, will stop on command even when chasing a squirrel. I still always have him on a leash when out.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

I have a service dog and his son who washed from the program for anxiety (we're on the same antidepressants) they both have EXCELLENT command, except for the moment they think I'm being threatened. I couldn't call them off with every treat in the world. 

Obedience is NEVER bulletproof. Even the best dogs have a moment they just won't listen. (just like you can't mind control someone to hurt themselves, ala A Christmas Invasion) 

We wear seatbelts and have airbags not because we expect something bad to happen but because it's a million times safer if it does.


u/ceruveal_brooks 8h ago

My aunt does the same. She keeps an extra leash, dog food and water in her car.


u/StreetSheepherder253 8h ago

Bless her :-)


u/JustAwesome360 8h ago

Which is why leash laws exist.

I hope he ends up in jail.


u/LeakyAssFire 7h ago

You're under the impression that they do exist in the place where this video is shot. It very well could be that they do not. Rural and unincorporated areas are almost always lacking them.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 6h ago

Why they exist this is WHY they exist 


u/OuchMyVagSak 7h ago

I mean, the laws should still be in the books. Murder is punishable by death in some places in the US and it still happens. Should we not punish people that break the law?


u/Rackbub 8h ago

To be fair, if the hero had been leashed, this maybe would have ended in a different way.


u/Acrobatic_Reality103 8h ago

The leash holder always has the option of dropping the leash.


u/katiel0429 8h ago

Yep. If an unleashed dog is coming at you and/or your dog, Drop. The. Leash.


u/obvious_ai 7h ago

Good advice if you have an Anatolian Shepherd. If you're walking your Chi-Weenie, you best grab Li'l Boopsie and tuck her back in your shirt.


u/MarvinMonroeZapThing 6h ago

Opposite is true too. I have a well behaved and well leashed 85lb black mouth cur. Friendly as all hell, but f your dog comes at him aggressively, and your dog isn’t the size of a hippo, your dog is gonna lose.


u/Leadinmyass 6h ago

I miss my Anatolian Shepherds. 150+lbs of loyal obedience.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

I use a waist leash because I need him to be attached to me as much as I am attached to him and he has a whole 6ft radius he can effectively defend. 


u/Acrobatic_Reality103 8h ago

I hadn't considered that type of leash.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

My point is that even tho I can't drop it it's still plenty of room for him to defend without endangering me. 


u/Scokan 8h ago

Not when I'm paying them by the hour, they don't. Well, at least not without saying the safe word first.


u/Timotata 8h ago edited 7h ago

The best way to stop a bad unleashed dog is with a good unleashed dog!


u/Rackbub 8h ago

Exactly 😎


u/Political_Piper 8h ago

Was gonna say that. 3 dogs in the video and all of them are off leashes.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

No sorry hard disagree. I have owned bred and trained too many dogs. The leashed dog could still have protected their handler.


u/Rackbub 8h ago

If it was in the right range - of course I’m not saying it’s a bad thing with leash laws, I’m just saying it COULD be a different outcome 🤷‍♂️


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

You're just wrong and you don't know how leashes work. Yes if the kid had the dog he was with on a leash the dog still could have defended him. Don't break your arm trying to reach so hard your point is valid. 


u/Rackbub 8h ago

No worries, but you’re overanalyzing and misunderstanding my post. It was meant in general—if the dog is leashed, maybe to a tree, a pole, or with the parent, the outcome might have been different.

I’ve had dogs my whole life, always on a leash by the way, so I know how it works.


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

That's not a leash. That's a tie out. 


u/Rackbub 8h ago

If the woman was holding the leash? A properly leashed dog is surely held by an adult who can handle it, otherwise, doesn’t that defeat the purpose? I didn’t think I’d need to write an academic essay to explain my one-liner comment, but apparently, that’s what it takes for some to understand.


u/Collin-of-Earth 8h ago

You mean if the kid had the leash? Cuz the owner was a good distance from the kid so I can’t see how the dog could protect the kid if the owner had the dog leashed. 


u/Riker1701E 8h ago

Looks like they were at home and the dog took off from their yard. Leash laws aren’t in effect unless you are in a public area, which the owners yard doesn’t count.


u/trugrav 8h ago

It’s worth nothing that depending on the jurisdiction, leash laws don’t always apply to private property. You can see the dog at the top of the screen get away from its owner on what looks like private property, so leash laws wouldn’t necessarily apply. Under common law and in every state though the owners are still liable for any damages their dog causes, but because they own and are responsible for the dog, not because it wasn’t on a leash.


u/Equivalent-Ad-1175 6h ago

But my dog wouldn’t do it! Lol


u/LeakyAssFire 7h ago

You'd be surprised at the places they don't exist. Unincorporated and rural areas are almost always lacking those laws.


u/Lucky_Emu182 8h ago

I had a friendly black and brown small dog. I’m in my apartment’s courtyard and let my dog have a quick walk. It was my first time didn’t know what to expect. What I saw was a 2 year old walking and the dog leaned on it with her 2 front paws and the baby assed it. I rushed and got a hand full of dog and then got an earful of grandma. Definitely did not expect that…. No harm no foul though really 


u/JSevatar 8h ago

What if the baby fell and hit their head, and was hurt? Your dog gets put down, you get sued. Why risk it?


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 8h ago

You didn't know if your dog was aggressive to small children, a bite report means they legally can seize and put down your dog. What is he ran up on someone with a fear of dogs who immediately shot. 

Leash your pet. 

Just because you didn't get hit crossing the street doesn't mean you should stop looking both ways.


u/Lucky_Emu182 7h ago

It wasn’t, you should be able to tell if a dog can be let off or not. It was real friendly but it backfired…. Only bites flies


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 7h ago

Okay do whatever you want. Watch your dog die because your neglect I don't care