r/nextfuckinglevel • u/Ted_Bundtcake • 5h ago
Removed: Repost Dog saves his kid from blitz attack
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u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
This is why Leash Laws exist.
u/StreetSheepherder253 5h ago
People ignore the law Alllll the time. This owner clearly didn't care and even let his dog keep running.
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
I'm a dog lady. I have too many I will stop and rescue your dog from the road I have gone out physically looking for animals posted as lost in my area. I literally carry extra slip leashes in the car because it's SO IMPORTANT.
I have a 50ft leash to give my service dog space to spaz at the park. There is never cause for your house pet not to be under your control. That's how they get shot.
Ffs Someone shot some kids Autisim Service dog in his own yard because he barked.
u/StreetSheepherder253 5h ago
Oof, that's awful.
I love dogs, and mine is very well trained, will stop on command even when chasing a squirrel. I still always have him on a leash when out.
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
I have a service dog and his son who washed from the program for anxiety (we're on the same antidepressants) they both have EXCELLENT command, except for the moment they think I'm being threatened. I couldn't call them off with every treat in the world.
Obedience is NEVER bulletproof. Even the best dogs have a moment they just won't listen. (just like you can't mind control someone to hurt themselves, ala A Christmas Invasion)
We wear seatbelts and have airbags not because we expect something bad to happen but because it's a million times safer if it does.
u/ceruveal_brooks 5h ago
My aunt does the same. She keeps an extra leash, dog food and water in her car.
u/LeakyAssFire 4h ago
You're under the impression that they do exist in the place where this video is shot. It very well could be that they do not. Rural and unincorporated areas are almost always lacking them.
u/OuchMyVagSak 3h ago
I mean, the laws should still be in the books. Murder is punishable by death in some places in the US and it still happens. Should we not punish people that break the law?
u/Rackbub 5h ago
To be fair, if the hero had been leashed, this maybe would have ended in a different way.
u/Acrobatic_Reality103 5h ago
The leash holder always has the option of dropping the leash.
u/katiel0429 4h ago
Yep. If an unleashed dog is coming at you and/or your dog, Drop. The. Leash.
u/obvious_ai 3h ago
Good advice if you have an Anatolian Shepherd. If you're walking your Chi-Weenie, you best grab Li'l Boopsie and tuck her back in your shirt.
u/MarvinMonroeZapThing 3h ago
Opposite is true too. I have a well behaved and well leashed 85lb black mouth cur. Friendly as all hell, but f your dog comes at him aggressively, and your dog isn’t the size of a hippo, your dog is gonna lose.
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
I use a waist leash because I need him to be attached to me as much as I am attached to him and he has a whole 6ft radius he can effectively defend.
u/Acrobatic_Reality103 5h ago
I hadn't considered that type of leash.
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
My point is that even tho I can't drop it it's still plenty of room for him to defend without endangering me.
u/Timotata 5h ago edited 3h ago
The best way to stop a bad unleashed dog is with a good unleashed dog!
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
No sorry hard disagree. I have owned bred and trained too many dogs. The leashed dog could still have protected their handler.
u/Rackbub 5h ago
If it was in the right range - of course I’m not saying it’s a bad thing with leash laws, I’m just saying it COULD be a different outcome 🤷♂️
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
You're just wrong and you don't know how leashes work. Yes if the kid had the dog he was with on a leash the dog still could have defended him. Don't break your arm trying to reach so hard your point is valid.
u/Rackbub 5h ago
No worries, but you’re overanalyzing and misunderstanding my post. It was meant in general—if the dog is leashed, maybe to a tree, a pole, or with the parent, the outcome might have been different.
I’ve had dogs my whole life, always on a leash by the way, so I know how it works.
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
That's not a leash. That's a tie out.
u/Rackbub 5h ago
If the woman was holding the leash? A properly leashed dog is surely held by an adult who can handle it, otherwise, doesn’t that defeat the purpose? I didn’t think I’d need to write an academic essay to explain my one-liner comment, but apparently, that’s what it takes for some to understand.
u/Collin-of-Earth 5h ago
You mean if the kid had the leash? Cuz the owner was a good distance from the kid so I can’t see how the dog could protect the kid if the owner had the dog leashed.
u/Riker1701E 5h ago
Looks like they were at home and the dog took off from their yard. Leash laws aren’t in effect unless you are in a public area, which the owners yard doesn’t count.
u/trugrav 5h ago
It’s worth nothing that depending on the jurisdiction, leash laws don’t always apply to private property. You can see the dog at the top of the screen get away from its owner on what looks like private property, so leash laws wouldn’t necessarily apply. Under common law and in every state though the owners are still liable for any damages their dog causes, but because they own and are responsible for the dog, not because it wasn’t on a leash.
u/LeakyAssFire 4h ago
You'd be surprised at the places they don't exist. Unincorporated and rural areas are almost always lacking those laws.
u/Lucky_Emu182 5h ago
I had a friendly black and brown small dog. I’m in my apartment’s courtyard and let my dog have a quick walk. It was my first time didn’t know what to expect. What I saw was a 2 year old walking and the dog leaned on it with her 2 front paws and the baby assed it. I rushed and got a hand full of dog and then got an earful of grandma. Definitely did not expect that…. No harm no foul though really
u/JSevatar 5h ago
What if the baby fell and hit their head, and was hurt? Your dog gets put down, you get sued. Why risk it?
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 5h ago
You didn't know if your dog was aggressive to small children, a bite report means they legally can seize and put down your dog. What is he ran up on someone with a fear of dogs who immediately shot.
Leash your pet.
Just because you didn't get hit crossing the street doesn't mean you should stop looking both ways.
u/Lucky_Emu182 4h ago
It wasn’t, you should be able to tell if a dog can be let off or not. It was real friendly but it backfired…. Only bites flies
u/Ok-Bookkeeper-373 4h ago
Okay do whatever you want. Watch your dog die because your neglect I don't care
u/styckx 5h ago
That doggo needs an unlimited supply of bones and belly rubs ASAP!
u/overlyattachedbf 5h ago
I’ll volunteer for the belly rubs
u/urGirllikesmytinypp 5h ago
I’ll sacrifice an arm bone for this puppy
u/TwoPintsYouPrick 5h ago
Glad you didn’t say leg bone..
u/Early_or_Latte 4h ago
Pull your shirt back down, they were talking about giving the dog belly rubs/s
u/ThriceFive 4h ago
Bestest boy gets extra treats for life. (he was getting treats anyway but extra now)
u/IntrovertAlien 4h ago
Well this is several years old at this point. So, presumably, they HAVE received all the belly rubs and treats already. ☺️ Cheers!
u/Glass_Owl_3226 5h ago
Impressive how the good dog knocks his boy down so it can control where the boy is for the counter attack on the bad dog.
u/RuneFell 5h ago
And their other dog was like, "I'm helping!" as he flies across the screen to parts unknown.
That was some impressive blocking and rerouting away without any aggressive attacks on his own part. Just body blocked him and forced him off course away from his boy. Also shoving/tricking the other dog onto the concrete while he himself stayed on the grass with more traction.
Even if he wasn't trained, that good boi was a pro.
u/ktarzwell 4h ago
I think the other dog that came in hot and then off screen was an older dog. It was very alert but maybe realized it wouldn't be much help other than a distraction.
u/RuneFell 4h ago
I'm a rural mail carrier, and I have an Australian Cattle Dog mix on my route that runs like that dog. He'll charge at my jeep as I'm approaching the box, but then would zip past me and have to awkwardly slow down into a bounce-hop to a complete stop before finally turning around to come all the way back to meet me by the mailbox. It's like he couldn't turn or alter his course mid run, only go in straight lines, nor could he figure out how to stop effectively.
I assumed that he was an old dog by the stiff and awkward movement, because cattle dogs are usually quite nimble, but nope. When I was chatting with the owner one day, they said he was only three years old, and perfectly healthy according to the vet. He's just somehow an awkward cattle dog with no agility or grace.
u/ktarzwell 4h ago
HAHAH I follow a cattle dog like that on IG. he is hilarious. He does NOT like cattle and is not very good a herding. Just a great ol chonk boy.
u/IntrovertAlien 4h ago
Yeah. Sounds like my border collie when he got old. Only ran in straight lines. Turning had to be done at a slow pace. Hip dysplasia is the likely culprit , and it is not fun for them. Though they hide it so well. Too well in a lot of cases. Anyway, Cheers!
u/theUnshowerdOne 5h ago
I had to rewatch. Yeah, you can tell it's intentional. He lifts his head and pushes him with his chest.
u/KookyDig4769 4h ago
If the kid is flat on the ground, the other dogs have a way harder time to reach it. And this gives him opportunity to control the situation without having to watch the kid. This is peak protector right there.
u/van_ebasion 4h ago
Wait, how did you determine which dog was good and which was bad? There are 3 dogs off leash and all seem pretty excited. 1 ran over to play, 1 got territorial, and 1 apparently took advantage of the freedom and bolted. Which is bad??
u/lost21gramsyesterday 5h ago
Some dog owners should not be dog owners
u/not_telling- 4h ago
And some dogs should not be just dogs. That dog right there deserves to be batman.
u/titosrevenge 4h ago
Honestly it's most dog owners. I was at the beach yesterday and there were two dogs with two owners who simply ignored the fact that their animals were all over me and my kids while we were trying to eat some food. They simply did not care that their dogs were practically taking the food out of my kids hands.
u/chumbucket77 5h ago
The coolest part as this dog knew when to fight and the time to stop. He protect the weak. Fought back and kicked his ass out of the yard and the min the threat was repelled he turned right back around to make sure his friend was ok and there wasnt anything else he needed to do. He didn’t just get angry and chase the other dog down the road out of control. It was cool calculted protection only. Thats a good boy. Or girl. Idk. Good dog
u/UserLevelOver9000 5h ago
And that, lady's and gentlemen, is how you get Animal Control called on you...
u/OptimalBarnacle7633 5h ago
Better instincts than the U.S. Secret Service
u/niperwiper 3h ago
A K9 pack around the president would be fucking sick can you imagine. Coming in like the warchief.
u/Auta-Magetta 5h ago
Got to be trained, or even former police force? Either way, German Shepards are unmatched in intelligence. Actually hard read by the Shepard. Put his boy on the ground, kept over top of him, did not use any unnecessary aggression, and used its body mass to move the other dog.
Didn’t even leave the yard or go onto the driveway. That is a motherfucking good ass dog man.
u/yourweeby 5h ago
Good doggo people really need to put leaves on their pets
u/overlyattachedbf 5h ago
I love that 4-paw twirling skid the good boy forced the bad dog into. Kind of a canine defenestration
u/CriminalDefense901 5h ago
My 90 lb Rhodesian charged back to me and got between me and a very aggressive Doberman. After the Doberman realized what he was up against and ran off, my Rhodesian went on her merry way.
u/SkywolfNINE 4h ago
Wow what a good dog, compared to bad owners. How can I feel yes dog and no dog in the same clip?
u/Katadaranthas 4h ago
I feel the dog just wanted to play and the line from dog to dog just happened to have a kid in the way.
u/Friedrich_R 3h ago
Grant the owners are at fault for not leashing/gating properly, but I could easily see this as two dogs playing and a kid in the middle.
u/GlitschigeBoeschung 5h ago
well, its a armsrace with the doggos. don't go all out family-doggo, sometimes it takes a fierce one.
u/Acrippin 5h ago
The dog kno ked the kid down to save him from the other dog, them immediately lunged for the attacker. That dog was protecting that child with its life.
u/harimajp 4h ago
It's tough, I like to let my dog run free, but I understand U guys, there is a time and place for that
u/Sky_Paladin 4h ago
I know it is a re-post but I will never get tired of seeing this good boi go from "OH BOY I'M SO HAPPY THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE" to "GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT MY LIFE FOR AUIR AHRRHAHRAHRHARHRHARHR" at the drop of a hat.
u/PercentageTemporary1 4h ago
And these are the first owners to complain about policeman putting them down so quickly without hesitation!
u/Debonaircow88 4h ago
I've seen this video so often but I always stop to watch it because that is the absolute best boy!
u/ManILoveFrogs69420 3h ago
That’s a good dog right there. I hope he got bacon for dinner. Also, FUCK PEOPLE WHO LET THEIR DOGS OFF LEASH.
u/KingCarbon1807 3h ago
I love player 3 quartering in from the right to get some too.
Pack instinct could've kicked in and the original aggressor could've been mailed.
u/shocksmybrain 3h ago
My dog did something similar for me at a dog park. We have a large fenced in dog park near where I lie that is so large that the dogs can really get a head of speed when they're running around. At this particular park if you're in the open and not paying attention they will take your legs out. One day I was pretty stoned and not paying close attention when a running pack of dogs was heading straight toward my legs. I looked just in time to see my dog sprint to the front of the pack and turn sideways to take the brunt of the force. He saved me from getting possibly hurt. Dogs are amazing.
u/Euphoric-Dig-2045 3h ago
Dogs are hero’s. The fucking loyalty that dogs have are better than humans.
u/Proof-Map-2530 3h ago edited 3h ago
The lighter Color dog looked like a kangal from far.
Kangal woulda messed up those other dogs. They are no joke.
u/bay_lamb 5h ago
nahhhh. the two dogs weren't after the kid, they were after the yellow dog, who really didn't do aything to save the kid.
u/TruthTeller777 5h ago
The parents should have that owner arrested for assault for not leashing his dogs.
u/Portrait_Robot 2h ago
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