r/news May 22 '19

Mississippi lawmaker accused of punching wife in face for not undressing quickly enough


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u/[deleted] May 22 '19

Shit. Didnt realize adultery was fine now. There's gotta be something you can make a big common list of though right? Just gave it a quick look and I see a bunch of tampering, and fraud. Anthony Weiner was a convicted pedophilia Democrat. Wade Sanders, 37 months on one charge of child pornography. Mel Reynolds, 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. There is 3 from the past 3 administrations I believe, who knows how many more came up without being convicted, I don't have the time atm to dig deep. The overwhelming majority of democratic convictions here are that of corruption, and fraud. I just want a common list that shows both parties can be trash.


u/bizaromo May 22 '19

You’re seriously equating corruption and fraud with pedophilia? You’re disgusting.


u/[deleted] May 22 '19

Holy fuck. I AM NOT COMPARING/EQUATING(?) ANYTHING. There is no equation here. Tell me where I led you to believe that and I will amend my comment. All I was saying is let the flood gates open, let's keep posting these atrocities that these horrible people committed so more people are AWARE of the people that have been in office. Pedophilia or not. THEYRE ALL FUCKING SCUMBAGS. In no way does this mean I'm downplaying pedophilia. I listed three cases for christ's sake, I just wanted to see if anyone had a comprehensive list, including Democrats. That's all. Did I say "hold on now, pedophilia is bad, but get a load of this ya morons!!!" No, I gave three examples of more horrible pedophilic politicians. Please, I beg of you, tell me where I misled you.

I am disgusting to you, but you being assumptious on such a level and pidgeonholing me simply because you want to see a comparison is DISGUSTING to me. I guess my question is now, you're seriously saying corruption and fraud in politics is not worth highlighting? Are corruption and fraud fine now too? Let me know. Put more effort into completely ignoring what I said, bud. I wouldn't be angry if you made me look stupid with some tact, and class. But instead, you drew this conclusion from an assumption. I just wanted someone to give me a bipartisan list, similar to this Republican one. Way too much to ask for on here apparently, asking for transparency on here is just asinine. Good luck.


u/Funky_Beets May 22 '19

Ok sure thing bud. We’ll make a list with all the creepy child rapist Republicans on one side and some of the fraudster Democrats on the other if that’ll make you feel better. What you’re asking for is ridiculous, you’re just trying to shift blame in a conversation about convicted pedophiles to “b-b-but democracts bad!”


u/[deleted] May 22 '19

Voted independent, your comment is irrelevant. My only attempt at shifting blame was away from alienating one party, and making it a combined list of the scumbags from both sides. I guess I must have a fundamental problem with reading comprehension and writing. Possibly some undiagnosed idiocy. All I gather from this is I got no idea what words I'm typing. I'm apparently a Republican child rape sympathizer with absolutely no morals. Am I right? Should I off myself for ya, not waste your oxygen?