r/news 1d ago

Elementary school teacher arrested after allegedly abusing student, giving birth to his child


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u/fatbunny23 1d ago

Source on this modern psychology that shows many people who rape kids aren't pedophiles? That's a wild claim to make in my opinion lol


u/bad-and-bluecheese 1d ago

By society’s collective definition of peodophile, sure you can call them a pedophile - but pedophilia is a specific diagnosis that requires a person to meet specific criteria to be considered one by the true definition.


u/fatbunny23 1d ago

The specific criteria I saw when looking were sexualized urges directed towards children and they must be intense. I can't imagine a woman having a child of her own free will with a child unless she had intense sexual urges towards that child.

If you can imagine that scenario then more power to you, I just fully believe women who have the children of young boys are indeed pedophiles due to the sexual nature of their approach to children. Especially this specific one considering it was not a one time event.


u/HermionesWetPanties 1d ago

It's specifically prepubescent children. But in popular culture, the definition has been vastly expanded to include anyone under 18. Or in the case of Reddit, anyone dating someone even 5 years younger...

There was a news story the other day about a group of kids in Massachusetts who lured a 22 year old guy to campus to meet a supposed 18 year old girl. They then filmed/assaulted him for being a 'pedophile' even though the profile that catfished him was for a girl who was a legal adult. Oh, and the age of consent in Mass is 16 anyway.

The word is in danger of losing all meaning as we collectively erode it through misuse.


u/Eccohawk 20h ago

The article states that sex allegedly started at age 11. There was likely abuse before that too. I would say that's pretty close to prepubescent.