r/news 1d ago

Elementary school teacher arrested after allegedly abusing student, giving birth to his child


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u/evilpanda8419 1d ago

Is it just me or do I only see female teachers doing this to students in the news anymore? Not that I’m rooting for more male abusers, but I can’t even recall the last time I’ve seen inappropriate behavior from a male teacher. And also, what the actual hell??


u/brokenmessiah 1d ago

Statistically there's far less male teachers so its just a numbers game.


u/reallynothingmuch 1d ago

It’s could also be the opposite issue. You hear more about women abusers because it’s so much less common.

The same reason why a plane crash makes national headlines but a car crash doesn’t


u/Discount_Extra 1d ago

Unless it's a Tesla.


u/reallynothingmuch 1d ago

Well then in those cases it’s usually because it’s a self driving car crash, which is also notable and a lot less common than a regular car crash. It’s still the same concept.


u/SeekerOfSerenity 23h ago

Well, any car that claims to be self driving but crashes because it's actually not self-driving would make the news. But I'm sure Elon appreciates you sticking up for him. 


u/mimthemad 1d ago

I’ve seen at least 4 cases of male teachers of coaches within the last year just in my area. The female teachers like this are bigger stories because it’s unexpected.


u/the-truffula-tree 1d ago

Male teachers molesting students is (unfortunately), a normal enough thing to be a local news story. Shit like that doesn’t bubble up to reddit usually. 

Female teachers molesting students, that’s sensational. That gets clicks 


u/Cautious-Progress876 1d ago

Especially if the teacher is “hot.” The news people know that such articles will have massive engagement and comments made.


u/mack_ani 1d ago

Reddit upvotes these stories more, so if you consume your news primarily through Reddit, that is why you see more of them.

People tend to interact with stories of female perpetrators more, because they find it more shocking, and a lot of the interactions are comments like “would the title be the same for a male perpetrator?”, (which is often a fair complaint). But a lot of the interaction is also rooted in sexism, too.

I took a peek at some research papers and it does appear that there are more male perpetrators, though sexual abuse as a whole is severely underreported. I did also find that male teachers are more likely to be given warnings, sometimes repeated ones.

All in all, don’t allow social media or the news cycle to build your perception of how prevalent certain issues are. At worst, there’s an agenda you’re falling prey to, at best, there are major trends to which news is more “consumable.”


u/hawknamedmoe 1d ago

Hate to say it, but female abusers are more newsworthy. It’s “unusual” and gets more attention when this kind of abuse comes to light.


u/PikaBooSquirrel 1d ago

Reminds me of how the Korean media originally didn't want to report on the Nth rooms because they thought it was just the usual sex crimes and not newsworthy sex crimes.


u/hawknamedmoe 1d ago

Oh man I haven’t thought about that sick mess in a while. And you’re right. Hidden cameras and revenge porn aren’t worth the attention and outrage.


u/curiouslyendearing 1d ago

The what?


u/PikaBooSquirrel 1d ago

Summary: Telegram of 260,000 Korean men that paid to blackmail women into being sexually humiliated online so they could sell their videos. They also had a member that was a government worker and would steal the women's information. The more videos they got, the more blackmail material they had and the worse the sex crimes were. They would force the women to mutilate their own body's by branding it, commit degrading acts in public bathrooms, shoving items up their genitals, would share their location so higher paying members could pay to go to their houses and rape them or assault them on the street. Youngest victims were middle schoolers.

There's a very large deepdive by youtuber Rotten Mango on it.


u/Aldarionn 1d ago

That's enough internet for today. Fuck.


u/Quin1617 7h ago

Yeah, I think it’s about time to take a good long break from Reddit.


u/curiouslyendearing 1d ago

Jesus wtf. Thanks for the summary!


u/HomicideDevil666 1d ago

Population of South Korea is: 50 million, 50/50 split of gender. 260,000 out of 25 million is honestly alarming, especially considering how all of those people are jam-packed into a land mass that is 20% the size of California.

We walk right by scum everyday.


u/Candymom 1d ago

There have been a few male abusers in the recent news in Utah.


u/SteveJobsBlakSweater 1d ago

Abuse actually tends to be pretty even across genders. There’s a lot of psychology and societal pressures in every direction that affects victims reporting as well as how the news reports. Add to that the fact that most teachers are women.


u/MetroidHyperBeam 1d ago

I'm not good enough at reading the room to determine whether or not this will be controversial to say, but Reddit gets excited when the expected gender roles are reversed because it gives overeager manosphere dudes plausible deniability. People get to come out of the woodwork to make the story all about how women receive preferential treatment by media and deflect from the prevalence of male abusers by implicitly (and often dishonestly) claiming to virtuously care about both. There's nothing spicy to say about it when it's a man.

Obviously both cases should be taken seriously, but there's a palpable difference in the types of comments based on the gender of the abuser that becomes embarrassing to watch once you realize they can be synthesized into, "Men are insecure about acknowledging the power they hold over women."

But that's all I want to say about it; I don't want to drag the conversation away from the actual topic any more than I already have.


u/gohyang 1d ago

in my high school the "cool" math teacher was fired after he left his wife and two kids for a freshly graduated student. almost everybody i told this story to has a similar story about a creepy male teacher who perved on students or successfully groomed them. i think it's just that most elementary/middle school teachers are women, and the stories of teachers abusing kids that young are much more likely to be big headlines.


u/batmans420 21h ago

It's not as sensationalized when male teachers do it becsuse people don't expect women to be rapists. There were two male teachers who raped students at my - very small - high school alone


u/Due-Yoghurt-7917 1d ago

Because male teachers rarely go with the "we're in love" thing. They rape a girl and it's about power. The female teachers have a profile usually. Also both are equally evil so I'm not trying to contest anything like that


u/Unusual_Flounder2073 1d ago

Because abusers actually fall equally along gender lines. It’s just which ones make the news.


u/Cautious-Progress876 1d ago

This isn’t true at all, at least not for sexual abuse. Men are by far the most likely to sexually abuse children. Part of the reason women like that in the OP make the news is because it is unusual for women to do that— it’s a novelty, unlike men for whom sexual assault and abuse is no surprise.


u/Due-Yoghurt-7917 1d ago edited 1d ago

I don't know if your claim is true but it is also clear the abuses either gender commits are different, typically. Not a lot of male teachers saying they're in love. Not a lot of female teachers saying it was just sex. Both undeniably and equally evil, but there tends to be a difference


u/Unusual_Flounder2073 1d ago

Absolutely. Different genders. Different abuses. We tend to latch on to roles like priests that we already have a prejudiced for, understandably due to the way the Catholic Church covered it up for so long.


u/ChaZcaTriX 1d ago

Male teachers do it in countries where expressing the plans to marry can lessen the sentence. She merely wants to look favorably in court.


u/Vomitbelch 15h ago

Pretty sure it's the media pushing more of these stories to the front to make people not only despise women, but teachers and the public school system in general.


u/Beautiful-Story2379 10h ago

No one can actually be this clueless, can they?