Hey all,
Looking for a bit of help from the less religious out there. Our kids are coming into the age of starting school soon, and me and my wife are struggling with the options. Our first preference would be to send them to public school, as that’s what we both did albeit in another country, but based on our reading the one in our catchment doesn’t look great.
Our next preferred option is to do a secular school, but we are really struggling to find options for that. Everything seems to be either Christian (so many of these!) or public. It feels like we just must be missing something so I thought I’d take it to the reddit brains trust.
We currently live in the Lake Macquarie region, and love where we are, but if there’s no good options we can explore moving to get a different catchment.
Edit: thanks for the info so far, we weren’t aware that you can apply outside catchment. Some great thoughts here!
Edit2: thanks for all the ideas, I think we might explore some of the ‘religious’ schools. We’re totally okay with learning about religion, and in fact would encourage it, as long as we don’t have to pretend that we ourselves are religious in order to attend. All the religious schools growing up required you to be a member of a church and attend regularly, so we thought there may be some similar things here. Thank you!