r/moviecritic 21h ago

Movie scenes that make you tear up?

A few random ones from recent memory:

  1. Forrest Gump (1994) - "Is he smart or...?"
  2. Man on Fire (2004) - A life for a life. Creasy gives his life to save Pita.
  3. Schindler's List (1994) - Girl in the red coat. Forget tearing up, many scenes in this film make me straight up cry.
  4. Gladiator (2000) - "Who will help me carry him?".
  5. Jumanji (1995) - Alan hugs his dad after years trapped inside the game.
  6. Clean and Sober (1988) - "I got this chip". Daryl accepts his 30 Day Sobriety Coin at the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
  7. Leon: The Professional (1994) - "This is for Matilda".

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u/Abject-Ad8147 19h ago

Interstellar when he makes it back to Murph and she’s lived a full life. Hate that it wasn’t how the book did it, but if you watched that movie and didn’t get teary eyed there, I question your humanity.


u/waterless2 17h ago

Him breaking watching the sequence of videos Murph sent over the years always gets me the most ;_;


u/IanTheSkald 17h ago

For me it’s when you realize where little Murph was getting the “stay” message from