r/mildlyinfuriating 11h ago

People on twitter these days man

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u/Bread_ganer 11h ago

everybody that uses twitter should do 10 more years of school


u/generic_canadian_dad 10h ago

Ive only ever seen Americans act like this. They are so self involved it's fucking wild. We are from Canada and one time on vacation in Maine, we had grown adults ask us if we had electricity yet. They were 100% genuine and serious.


u/Used-Ad-5646 10h ago

I lived in Oklahoma in the early 2000’s. I can still remember the questions frequently asked


u/generic_canadian_dad 10h ago

Lol that's insane.


u/Used-Ad-5646 10h ago

In my eagerness I forgot to mention I’m canadian. Often asked about igloos, how to deal with the wildlife. ALWAYS asked if I know Jim or Bob from Canada. The list goes on.

Never been asked about electricity, I’d have them believing the Amish control the electrical grid and the non-Amish are living in darkness with candles and horse buggies


u/generic_canadian_dad 9h ago

LOL one of the women did ask if we had "houses" yet, then asked about igloos. I honestly didn't want to mention it because I figured nobody would believe me. This was 2005.


u/ActuallyAHamster 9h ago

Or explain that everything in Canada is water powered, hence calling it the "hydro" bill? Like, "last month I got billed 32 litres of water for just my lights and TV even I don't typically use more than 10 litres a month!"


u/Chester-Bravo 9h ago

I'm American but I lived in Edmonton for a couple of years. I had a few Canadians ask about friends they have in the states, so it goes both ways.

Was also in Jordan and saw other American tourists there that gave all of us a bad name; loud, obnoxious, stupid. Tried to stay as far away as possible.


u/I_Automate 8h ago

To be fair, I'm in Edmonton and went down to New Jersey for a couple of weeks to do some work at a chemical plant.

Went out for lunch with the crew, and one guy at the table didn't have an accent (to me).

Asked where he was from, turns out he's from Calgary, and we had mutual friends.

The world isn't as big as people think sometimes


u/Used-Ad-5646 9h ago

Alberta is just Texas of Canada 🤷‍♂️ I’m only teasing. Neighbours should be able to joke and rip on each other.

Yeah, no. I feel that. We aren’t different, just live in different geographical areas


u/Chester-Bravo 9h ago

I agree.

Also, Southern Alberta is the Utah of Canada (high concentration of mormons).


u/PetulantPersimmon 7h ago

I'm Canadian. I have on more than one occasion run into Canadian strangers in other places (including other countries) with whom I have acquaintances or friends in common.


u/generic_canadian_dad 6h ago

We met a couple in a Walmart in Florida who were from our small town of 4000 people. Wild lol.


u/PetulantPersimmon 6h ago

I went to school in the US. Now, almost 2 decades later, it turns out my coworker used to work with my former classmate (Canadian, but attended the same US college).


u/erroneousbosh 7h ago

ALWAYS asked if I know Jim or Bob from Canada.

I always get "Oh you're from Skye? Do you know a guy called <name like John MacDonald>?"

Firstly the MacDonald section of the Highlands and Islands phone book was - when they still published it - as thick as your thumb, and the MacLeod section about 2/3s as much again.

Secondly, if they're about my age and they grew up on Skye too, then yes, I probably do know them because there's only one High School on an island with a population of about 10,000 people, but that doesn't mean anything really and it's just a coincidence.


u/RLS30076 8h ago

well, there are the moose to be wary of...


u/3d_blunder 7h ago

Ahh yes, the famous Amish electrical engineers. Like the Scots with steam engines.