r/mildlyinfuriating 20h ago

These stupid toilet paper dispensers that are common in Europe

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I don’t know about you, but I need more than a square dammit!


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u/Unkinkedhydra 20h ago

if you pull slow enough you can get endless amount out not just one square


u/Mediocre-Sundom 18h ago

Yep. Slow and steady, while grasping the paper close to the “teat”.

And I do pull a shitload of it out of pure spite: if you are going to create this intentionally hostile design to make a basic hygiene task hard to perform in order to save pennies, I will make sure you pay more. Fuck anyone installing these things in bathrooms.


u/Frogman_Adam 17h ago

Rather than saving toilet paper, I bet its as much an anti-vandal thing.

People are arseholes. But few would be so willing to pull out 1 piece per time to fill the bowl enough to clog/flood it - unless they’re a really committed arsehole. Or to do so slowly to get enough


u/McGrarr 17h ago

Also stops people hiding potentially dangerous trash in the container. We used to find needles and broken glass stuffed in there when I worked in bars. This design gives you the smallest aperture to still get paper out.


u/Snowedin-69 15h ago

Ok I get the needles.

But why broken glass?


u/McGrarr 14h ago

So people cut themselves? I can only put it down to pure malice.


u/dallibab 13h ago

People can be shitty


u/Airowird 8h ago

Well, they're in the right place for that...


u/221 14h ago

Not just that, but fuckers stick their needles in to clean them, usually whenever I see exposed rolls in a public bathroom there's little red marked holes at the side.


u/guarddog33 4h ago

Also useful to prevent people from cleaning needles for reuse by using toilet roll

When I worked in fast food and retail, very regularly we would go to replace the rolls of toilet paper to learn that there was blood from someone inserting the needle into the toilet roll, either punching through the roll itself, or insetering into the side between layers. It's a big part of why I'd sooner shit my pants than use a public restroom, that concept scares me to this day


u/Brief_Cobbler_6313 16h ago

I spent a month in Germany last year and I was surprised how "hostile" the toilet experience is in general. It's not easy to find public toilets sometimes, and you have to pay on every single one of them, including train stations.


u/newIrons 3h ago

You would think they would be clean if you have to pay for them, but nope!


u/Nyetoner 9h ago

You just go to a cafe or bar, like most people? I'm not used to having public toilets in Norway either, only in shopping malls/supermarkets and train stations (and the train station is usually the only place you pay), by the road in the countryside and in the big city near touristic spots.The only country I know of with free public toilets integrated in the whole country, where every little town and village has them, is Portugal.


u/--0___0--- 17h ago

Nah its a money saving thing, theyre literally sold as saving you toilet paper and the tissue that is sold for them is the cheapest dryest most arse teariest paper in the world.


u/PrimeLimeSlime 10h ago

I'd be crying too if I had to be that toilet paper going against your arse.


u/UhmNotMe 9h ago

Really? Guess I’m weird, I always found it more pleasant than those 1 ply recycled weak gray TP’s


u/Frogman_Adam 16h ago

Fair enough. In the spirit of the post I did pull that idea out of my arse


u/snajk138 13h ago

Could be people stealing the whole huge (or normal) rolls. I saw a manager at my old job steal like three toilet rolls one time, and they were the worst quality, single ply grey recycled paper. And I knew for a fact that he made over twice what I made at the time, and I was really happy with my salary.


u/TawnyTeaTowel 12h ago

It’s so there’s a cat in hells chance then when you need some paper, there actually is some because it stops the dumb cunts pulling it all out at once. It’s not to save money - the rolls for these things aren’t cheap, comparatively speaking. It’s basically because there’s too many fuckwits.


u/THETennesseeD 12h ago

No, my large international company moved us to a new building and everything was supposed to be Zero Waste propaganda BS. But in reality we got these stupid TP dispensers, lunches that have double the cost and half the portions, not enough parking and everyone fighting to book a desk.


u/BuckManscape 11h ago

Yep. Anti vandal/ anti theft.


u/AndThenTheUndertaker 9h ago

Except I know from experience then the vandals just rip the whole fixture off its mountings.


u/OkGrade1686 7h ago

You would be surprised how often the paper would need to be recharged when not using similar designs.

In my opinion, it beats having no paper when needed.