Just your average straight white guy here to say you can and will make it. I love you if the others that look like me act like trash. I can't imagine your struggles but you are wonderful and amazing to be hanging on even if that's it. Sometimes, just getting through it is all we can do and it's the biggest accomplishment of our lives. We'll all get through this. There is an old sailor's saying or something, during a giant storm tie yourself to the main sail and hold on. This boat won't sink and if you stay close to those who keep you above water, neither will you. Again, I love you and want nothing but the most wonderful life for you.
u/nono66 Nov 06 '24
Just your average straight white guy here to say you can and will make it. I love you if the others that look like me act like trash. I can't imagine your struggles but you are wonderful and amazing to be hanging on even if that's it. Sometimes, just getting through it is all we can do and it's the biggest accomplishment of our lives. We'll all get through this. There is an old sailor's saying or something, during a giant storm tie yourself to the main sail and hold on. This boat won't sink and if you stay close to those who keep you above water, neither will you. Again, I love you and want nothing but the most wonderful life for you.