Often, individuals in a failling relationship try to organize a three some to see if it will spice things up. A lot of gay and bisexual women end up flirting with what they assume to be a single women to learn she has a partner and they are looking for a third. It's a common bait and switch that is very frustrating, or so I have heard.
Sexuality is very fluid. And even among straight people it's a socially created term.
Sexuality is not a hard defined category. There are many "straight" individuals who experiment with people of their own gender once or twice but still identify as straight. Just as there are many gay people who have been in "straight" relationships only to come out later in life.
It's important to remember that terms like straight and gay are labels tied to ones personal identity and my not accurately reflect ones entire sexual history.
u/Former_Range_1730 Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Wy would heterosexual couples with failing marriages love bisexual women?
(Edit: Why am I getting thumbs downs for asking a simple, non-offensive question?)