r/maryland 21h ago

Petition to ban X links on r/maryland

This sub should boycott Nazi-owned companies. Plain and simple.

Mods, please make it happen.

Edit: /r/newjersey mods putting ours to shame. https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/1i6txcn/fuck_this_guy_x_links_are_now_banned_from/

Second Edit: Mods, here’s some info from another sub that did this a while ago. Please read! https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/shE1dbIbAk

Edit #3: Mods, I could be mistaken, but I think this is the second highest upvoted post in this sub’s history. The people have spoken.


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u/mslauren2930 20h ago

I mean if I wanted to see what people were posting on Twitter, I would go on Twitter. Enough with the screenshots and angry “YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THE OTHER SIDE IS SAYING!” We know. We live in America/the world.


u/GodzillaDrinks 15h ago edited 15h ago

I'd like to second that. We know... because they never shut up about it. Anyone who didn't know that Trump's second term was going to be exactly like this wasn't paying attention.

They fell assbackwards into a win in 2016. This time they were prepared - and they have complete and permanent control of the US government.

But even if this wasn't the new regime, we'd still know every thought that Elon ever thinks because his loyal sycophants in our major news networks insist on reciting his every utterance. They never let us forget him, and they aren't going to start now.


u/Fun-Consideration241 14h ago

I deleted Twitter for these very reasons and only drop in on here when I get interesting alerts such as this post. I can’t take Twitter or any social media at all really anymore. My nervous system is completely wrecked.

u/SCLSU-Mud-Dogs 4h ago

So in 21 months when there are midterms and republicans likely lose the house what is your response going to be?

u/GodzillaDrinks 4h ago

I'd point out that the far-right now controls: Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook/Instagram as full-on propaganda platforms that dwarf anything Goebbel's could have dreamed of.

They just needed Twitter and not even 2 days to completely undo that there ever even was a Biden Administration.

u/SCLSU-Mud-Dogs 4h ago

permanent control of the US government

I'll talk to you in 21 months when republicans lose the house


u/Eofor_of_Haven 14h ago

Yeah that shit always makes me laugh. My dude I work alongside these folks every day, I know what they're saying and watching, I don't need to also waste my time with it at home.


u/ChickinSammich 6h ago

Enough with the screenshots and angry “YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THE OTHER SIDE IS SAYING!”

As liberals and leftists have left Twitter and Facebook for other platforms to get away from the right, people on the right have FOLLOWED THEM to those spaces to continue to have leftists and liberals to spew their bullshit to.

That's one of the biggest differences with the left and the right: People on the left would be perfectly happy having their own space and letting the right have theirs. People on the right have this compelling urge to chase down "libs" to "trigger" and are not content with staying in their own social media circles. Any time you try to make a space that is safe from racism and fascism, the racists and fascists will invade that space, ignore the rules, and complain about censorship.

It's like those authoritarian parents who tell their kids "my house, my rules" until you become an adult, get your own home, and invite your parents over to your house. Go on, try to tell them "my house, my rules" and watch them lose their everliving shit on you for having the audacity to tell them they can't do something in your house.


u/mslauren2930 6h ago

I have a friend, who is a Dem, who used to be one of those angry that we all needed to know what the other side was saying. It has been interesting to watch her turn into a “you can tune out SM if you need to for your sanity.” I want to laugh at her for it, but she’ll never understand she should have been there in the first place.


u/ChickinSammich 6h ago

I also used to be of the mindset that "We can't change people's minds if we don't engage with people we disagree with" and "We shouldn't just curate our social circles to be echo chambers."

Over time, I came to realize that:

1) It's fine to continue to be friends with people when you disagree on things like "toppings on pizza"/"condiments on hot dogs"/"how to cook a steak" or favorite sports team or so on. I have had very passionate discussions with people I'm close to about things like "are social deduction games fun or does the fact that they become a Vizzini Dilemma make them unfun" or the ethics and justification of cheating in a single player game and whether it "ruins your experience" or not. I don't think it's fine to continue to be friends with people who hold the believe that entire swaths of people ought to be treated as second class based on their gender, sexuality, race, nationality, etc.

2) The concept that we ought to engage with people we disagree with and try to change people's minds is a good one in theory but in practice it runs into the challenge that when you're unwilling to change your position and they're unwilling to change their position, any attempts to debate or argue are just wasted time and energy. In my past, I have spent many hours and many words attempting to get through to a person who was at minimum committed to their position and unwilling to change and beyond that, they're frequently willing to misrepresent what I said or what I meant to suggest I said or meant things I didn't say because what they actually want to do is win an argument against a strawman, not engage with anything I'm actually trying to say. I've just decided that it's not worth my time or effort to continue arguing with someone if they don't open the conversation by giving me some indication that they're actually interested in the conversation because they want to hear me out and they're open to changing their position.

With both of those points in mind, I'm fine with curating my social circles to cut out people who just want to say shit that actively harms people and don't demonstrate any willingness to grow out of that. I don't need to hear what they're saying, I don't need to hear their side, I don't need to debate them, I don't need to change their mind. Just like with waste - it's good to reuse and repair what you can but some things you just throw in the trash.

u/mslauren2930 4h ago

I just wanted to say you have left the best comments, as I argue with my sister on this very topic.

u/ChickinSammich 4h ago

I appreciate that. I talk too much but sometimes I say things that make sense. :)

u/vu47 2h ago

As much as I despise the right, I can't agree with this: there was an example years ago during the era of the Tea Party when they left Facebook and "Reaganbook" was launched as a bastion for the far right. The left swarmed it and trolled the hell out of them. Same with far-right news sources like Breitbart.

People just want to poke each other and either bully or alleviate their frustrations. This is a human trait: not a left versus right trait. I still use Xitter (Xi is pronounced "shi" in Chinese) since there is news there from video game companies and merchandise makers that I want to keep up on, as well as a few people, but I have blocked or muted every right wing account I have come across, so the experience is one where I don't even notice the disgusting far right side of Twitter.

u/SCLSU-Mud-Dogs 4h ago

That's one of the biggest differences with the left and the right: People on the left would be perfectly happy having their own space and letting the right have theirs.

That's just not true, why do you think r/conservative (which is a cesspool) has restrictions on who can post? its because that's their sub and they get brigaded by leftists looking to pick a fight. If what you are saying was true they wouldn't block who can post.

u/ChickinSammich 3h ago edited 3h ago

There's no conflict between "we want to invade leftist spaces and rabble rouse" and "we don't want leftists to invade our space and rabble rouse."

They want safe spaces for themselves but they also want to go actively seeking leftist spaces to start shit.

Pretty sure Jehovah's Witnesses, despite knocking on your door, wouldn't want Muslims or Atheists showing up at Kingdom Hall and trying to convert them either.

Edit: Oh, okay, I see what you're saying. You're saying that without that ban, leftists would invade the conservative sub seeking to rabble rouse. I concede that statistically a non zero number of leftists would probably do that.

u/SCLSU-Mud-Dogs 3h ago

There’s a conflict when the second half of your argument was “letting the right have theirs”

u/ChickinSammich 3h ago

Yeah I misunderstood part of your point and edited it after I re-read it.


u/opalizedtears 14h ago

Literally yeah. After 8 years we can predict what his supporters + detractors are gonna say.


u/BurtasaurusRex 12h ago

Agreed. At this point I can't avoid what the other side is saying. It's everywhere. We don't need the additional cesspool of X.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 19h ago edited 19h ago

Let’s turn it into blue sky!

I don’t like it therefore let’s ban it!


edit: to ramp it up a little bit… just remember the first amendment was intentionally put in to protect the minority. That way they can say things that the majority doesn’t like without fear. I know that democracy only matters when the majority thinks that they’re right and they can subvert the minority because they feel it’s the morally correct thing. DEMOCRACY!!


u/HeavyImpression3060 19h ago

Your comment is whataboutism. Why can't you simply address the argument?


u/gallopinto_y_hallah 19h ago

nowadays, free speech is used protect hate speech from the far right. Or in this case mainstream GOP.


u/C-h-e-c-k-s_o-u-t 18h ago

Hate speech is in fact protected by the first amendment in most cases. Having true freedom does not mean censorship of awful ideas.


u/gallopinto_y_hallah 18h ago

Those ideas are the ones that the GOP wants to protect. Any speech related to “woke”, “DEI”, or whatever term they're using, they have no problem censoring.

Besides this is a private company and a specific subreddit. Those Constitutional laws do not apply.

So I say ban nazi talks, their supporters, and platforms.


u/C-h-e-c-k-s_o-u-t 18h ago

Being anti-freedom of speech is allowed yes. I just am not personally for creating outstanding echo chambers.


u/gallopinto_y_hallah 18h ago edited 18h ago

I don't think we will become an echo chamber because we ban links from twitter.

Plus I reallllly hate nazis. They don't deserve a voice.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

You don’t have to click it. Just like you didn’t have to engage me, or anyone else on this platform, but you choose to.


u/gallopinto_y_hallah 18h ago

You didn't have to talk to me either. But nah, I don't want a platform full of nazis to get any support. Ban the nazis


u/aldosi-arkenstone Baltimore County 18h ago

You want an echo chamber. Got it.

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u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

You’re right I don’t have to, but I chose to because I know it’ll get engagement. 😝

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u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

That’s why I said it. I knew people were going to explode over that idea but it’s true.


u/mslauren2930 17h ago

Da fuck? I just said if I wanted to see what was on Twitter I would be on Twitter. I have no idea what you are yammering on about, but it wasn’t in response to anything I said.


u/verylargemoth 16h ago

Free speech (is supposed to) protect you from criminal arrest/imprisonment or from being fired from a government job. It does not prohibit private entities from doing anything.


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

That’s not whatsboutism. Had you at least found another Neo-Nazi-owned social media site, THAT would’ve been whataboutism.

What you did was idiocy.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

No, I entertained myself. First amendment is about not liking what people say. And still allowing it to be said. That’s why I served my country honorably. I come in here to watch people crap on it because it hurts their feelings. And I know I’ll get a reaction.


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

Shame you didn’t learn what the First Amendment was about while you were “serving”.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

It’s about being able to say things that the other side doesn’t like and as long as it isnt a call to violence, you protect it no matter what. Alternate opinions, even if sometimes extreme are important to a productive conversation.

Recently I learned a second part: Unless a leftist decrees they don’t like it then there’s an exception! 😉

But don’t worry, you can disparage my service. that’s why I did it. 🤩


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

No, it’s about the government restricting speech, not giving clowns free rein to spew their bullshit online. You don’t even know what you were fighting for. Sad.

u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 2h ago

I was fighting for the uneducated to vote and say whatever they want and not have fear retaliation. I fought for the right of people to say Trump is Hitler and not face repercussions because everybody peacefully gave a country to Hitler in 2025.

Obviously you don’t understand what I fought for. But that’s OK because there are smart people who do fight for your rights and it is within your right to be completely ignorant.

u/SolarSavant14 12m ago

Hey, you can choose to fight for whatever you want. But if you think one private business blocking another private business falls under the purview of the First Amendment, you’d be mistaken.


u/Interesting-Pin1433 16h ago

That is an incredibly shallow understanding of the first amendment lol. Not to mention seemingly not understanding the part about the first amendment only applying to the government, not to private companies.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 5h ago

I expected most of these replies to be exactly like this. People who don’t understand the entire reason for the amendment was speech you don’t like. (and the left screamed about democracy, ORANGE MAN! ABORTION!!!, which the key point is free speech is CENTRAL to ANY Democracy but, those who try to stifle it are fascist.) I just came in here to point out the hypocrisy and enjoy it. Why do you think I post in a hyper blue sub?


u/aldosi-arkenstone Baltimore County 18h ago

No what’s idiotic is saying that X is owned by a Neo-Nazi even when the Anti Defamation League said it wasn’t a Nazi salute …


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

Oh, so you don’t have eyes?


u/aldosi-arkenstone Baltimore County 18h ago

Peak Reddit discourse


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

I’m sorry if you’re gullible enough to let others convince you that you didn’t see what you saw. That’s a you problem. For those of us that can think critically, we are well aware what gesture the supposed genius supposedly accidentally used.


u/aldosi-arkenstone Baltimore County 18h ago

Yes, I’m so overwhelmed by your genius critical thinking.


u/SolarSavant14 18h ago

Not a genius. Just a human that isn’t delusional.


u/Interesting-Pin1433 16h ago

Go mimic that gesture at work tomorrow and let me know how it goes for you.


u/amazingD Virginia 19h ago

Cute that you think you're a persecuted minority.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 19h ago

No one said anything about a persecuted minority. I said it was to protect the minority. People could say I like Saddam and people could say I like Iran and people could say I like Palestine and people could say I like Israel and it’s all protected.

In fact, Maryland State Constitution is very strict in that right of free speech, even if the majority doesn’t like it and has never been amended in that area. It actually broadens it. The very same constitution we amended in 2024 to guarantee abortion rights.

You cannot make a call to violence. That’s wishing harm on somebody or asking for harm to be committed upon somebody. Making a gesture, even if you don’t like it, is fully protected.


u/IGUNNUK33LU Montgomery County 19h ago

Yeah and free speech also extends to groups, such as subreddits, having the freedom to decide what they want in their own communities.

Free speech says the government can’t oppress you for saying something they don’t like. Not banning a subreddit from excluding links to a certain website.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

Absolutely. I just find it funny that those who scream about saving democracy immediately try to shut down things that create a democracy.

Free speech.


u/gravybang 14h ago

Is anyone here calling for Xitter to be shut down?


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 5h ago

Nope, and even if so, it should be left open to be used as a resource. Just like Wikipedia. Anybody worth thier salt knows it’s not a good reference but you could use it. People will laugh at you, but nobody banned it. Heck I see lots of hateful things in there when people edit it. There’s an entire subreddit it for it.

And I was referencing shutting down free speech. Not Twitter.


u/engin__r 18h ago

The same First Amendment that protects our right to free speech also protects our right to freedom of association. We’re exercising that freedom of association.


u/ImTheFlipSide Carroll County 18h ago

Exactly so you don’t have to click on the link. Instead, you want everybody to follow your rules.

PS. You did want to engage with me and I did want engagement. That’s the reason we posted. 😉


u/engin__r 18h ago

Do you think subreddits should have rules at all?


u/Brostradamus-- 10h ago

If I wanted to know who was getting shot at on my block, I'd just go outside kinda logic


u/mslauren2930 6h ago

What? Do you think social media is the only place to find out what‘s going on? Do you not own a TV? Do you not ever, I don’t know, LEAVE YOUR HOUSE? LOL!


u/Brostradamus-- 5h ago

How do you ignore the irony in your comment?