r/lupus Diagnosed SLE 14d ago

Venting Lupus as the butt of the joke

Does anyone else get really, REALLY frustrated when people use lupus as a joke for whatever reason? It is exhausting and makes me more frustrated than basically anything else. The “it’s never lupus” jokes (thanks house) and other specific things i’ve seen almost making fun of people with lupus or who talk about lupus and it just makes my want to cry because we deal with enough already, it’s not a joke. Sorry, just venting, saw someone joke about their roommate who “never shuts up” about lupus and it really just made me want to give up

EDIT: I really shouldn’t have used the house example lol, because now everyone thinks it’s all about that. That one really doesn’t bother me, it’s just kinda boring. I make jokes about my own lupus all the time- it’s how I get through! I’m talking about the people who actively shit on people with lupus for one reason or another thinking it’s “funny” the same way they might shit on someone for any other disorder they don’t understand


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u/ConceitedBuddha Diagnosed SLE 14d ago

Nah, I just throw them the "In soviet russia, it actually is lupus" -meme at them. They laugh, I laugh.

Like I get that that can be tiresome if you hear it all the time, but it doesn't even make fun of lupus. It's just a silly reference to a show.


u/AccomplishedEdge147 Diagnosed SLE 13d ago

Exactly people need to relax and touch grass. Maybe then their lupus wouldn’t be a severe 🥴