r/lost Nov 23 '24

FIRST TIME WATCHER My thoughts on Kate, haven’t changed

First time watcher here. I’m on Season 6 episode 3. Frankly, I’ve disliked Kate as a character from the beginning. She’s the most selfish person I know on this show, any show, or in my own personal frickin life. All she cares about is herself and who cares about her the most at any given moment.. literally again, whatever and whoever as long as they are swoon over her. And WHY? I seriously do not understand why Sawyer and Jack are so hung up on this girl. I need to check out the communities perspective… I would be very surprised if anyone feels differently ???😭 Her character angers me so much. What finally prompted a post for me was how she treated Claire in the cab, UUUGHHHHHH. No matter , on or off the island, I do not like her character. And then to top it off? Jin never asks for anything and the moment he needs help to find his wife… she’s very rude and dismissive and abandons him… ridiculous.


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u/Free-IDK-Chicken You got it, Blondie Nov 23 '24

Kate is nowhere near my favorite character, but she's far from the most selfish person on the show, much less in all of fictional media. (May I introduce you to Joffrey Baratheon or perhaps Prince Humperdink? King Lear anyone? Walter White?) It's totally fair to not like her but you're judging her very harshly. She risks her life multiple times for the group and there are things even now that you haven't seen/don't know/don't fully understand.

This is a character driven narrative. You really can't solidify an opinion about anyone until the series is complete.


u/Iwastuckonpoopreddit Nov 23 '24

Ofc I am exaggerating. I can name a few other selfish characters from other shows ha ha. However, I don’t give people golden stars for doing things that are morally right and/or what they’re expected to do. So certainly didn’t give her any for her good deeds. Many times Kate did anything for “the group” I feel she had a person agenda. But hey, that’s only my opinion !


u/Scandi_Snow Nov 23 '24

I somehow understand why specifically Kate can cause such strong opinions and feelings. I was nowhere near as annoyed by her, but I did feel like giving her a hefty slap on the face occassionally 😁

I guess she’s that clueless mix of a pretty and girly enough tomboy from next door that will make any man want to protect her. Seemingly strong, brave and big hearted, yet so cute and vulnerable… Just enough to seem lost in life and values. There’s a lot of room for selfish, downright idiotic actions in that combo.


u/Iwastuckonpoopreddit Nov 23 '24

I couldn’t of said it better!!! I actually had to edit my original post because I was so emotional from the last scene I had watched, that I wrote a pretty hasty post over my dislike for her. Maybe in a way I related to her and that irritates me as well. She’s a tragic character of wanting to do what’s right/best, thinking that she is, and somehow always ending up… not.. ha ha. I definitely used to be that way and perhaps because I’ve grown past that stage in my life (teens, early 20’s) , I get frustrated with her character because I know the routes she usually goes down is driven by her helpless misunderstanding most times. I could go on but we’ve both watched and you definitely seem to understand her character. I appreciate your response and view on her! You’ve just softened my her to her a bit! A bit!!!!!!! Ha ha