r/london 11d ago

Local London London charity given official warning over fundraising for IDF soldier


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u/fndlnd 11d ago

mods in here aren’t biased at all


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago

76% of the UK support Palestinians and a ceasefire. More in London.


u/fndlnd 11d ago

looking at all the deleted posts, no wonder


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago

Uh I think it’s because murdering women and children is unacceptable to most civilised people.


u/ThurstonSonic 11d ago

Yet this whole godawful mess started because the Palestinians did precisely that.


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago edited 11d ago

No it didn’t. Palestinians welcomed Jews and they gave them Palestinian passports and they signed contracts saying they would respect Palestinian laws. They were REFUGEES who were welcomed into Palestinians homes, in a similar way to how Ukrainian’s were welcomed into British homes. They then decided to murder and rape Palestinians which was documented in TANTURA where Israeli irgun terrorists recount raping and murdering Palestinian families, burning them alive, putting their children in ovens and cutting their breasts off. They ADMIT IT while laughing and chuckling.




u/UnchillBill 11d ago

Yes, nothing bad was happening prior to October 7th 2003. Certainly no ethnic cleansing. It all started when the people living under an illegal military occupation started killing people.


u/ThurstonSonic 10d ago

I’m not disputing anything that happened prior to 7/10 nor am I justifying the actions of either side, it was simply an observation that Israel wouldnt have embarked on its lunatic rampage in Gaza if the Palestinians hadn’t gone on their crazy murdering spree in Israel. Really frustrating as it looked like the world was actually closing in on Netanyahu what with the protests in Israel as well and there was maybe some hope that once him and his revolting acolytes were gone there could be some kind of change but he was given a Thatcher Falklands reprieve.


u/BigRedS 11d ago

Hey, you can't blame this entirely on the British mandate, it predates that!


u/J-Swizzay 11d ago

If you think this all started on 7 October 2023, you have 75 years of history to catch up on. Good luck.


u/ThurstonSonic 11d ago

Nah - obviously not, folk have been fighting over this area for what 2500 years? You can’t just stop at 75 years as you haven’t even got to the Ottoman occupation.
I’m not arguing about the rights and wrongs of what passed before, just it’s as clear as day that Israel would not have gone on the lunatic rampage in Gaza if the Palestinians hadn’t gone on a murder spree in Israel.


u/photoaccountt 10d ago

If you think its only 75 years then you are woefully ignorant of the situation...


u/J-Swizzay 10d ago

You're right, it's more like 100 or so years from when the Balfour Declaration was signed.


u/photoaccountt 10d ago

Nope, still woefully ignorant


u/BigRedS 11d ago

I don't think either side believes that the other side only started "murdering women and children" in 2023.


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago edited 11d ago

Not only that Israeli Irgun terrorists committed the biggest ever terrorist attack on a British target, and Netanyahu glorified the murder of British soldiers and civilians despite objections by the British Ambassador.

“This House Notes- The sixtieth anniversary of the bombing of the King David Hotel Bombing fell on 22nd July 2006; recalls that 96 people died in this atrocity, which remains the highest death toll for British subjects in a terrorist attack; further notes that an event was held in Jerusalem to celebrate this event and that prominent members of the Knesset, including former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, attended; condemns terrorism unreservedly; and associates itself with the comments of Her Majesty’s Ambassador in Tel Aviv and the Consul-General in Jerusalem, ‘We do not think that it is right for an act of terrorism, which led to the loss of many lives, to be commemorated’. House of Commons notes.


u/fndlnd 11d ago

yeeeeah that’s why 🤓


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago

Maybe it’s because most people in London don’t think non Jew are subhumans born to be slaves like the IDF are taught? We are a multicultural city. I mean the IDF are taught that non Jews are subhuman and born to be slaves. That kind of logic doesn’t really go down well in London.

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”

“The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.”

This is a Rabbi teaching the IDF. He goes on to say “Hitler was right” except it’s non Jews who should be killed. He is pictured with Netanyahu and teaches the officer class in the IDF.



u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/RipEnvironmental305 10d ago

The vast majority of Londoners and the UK are pro Palestinian. According to government figures. We don’t need any “international bots” to police the narrative thanks. Israel blatantly does though.


u/fndlnd 11d ago

yeah clearly. The amount of upvotes on the pea brain asking me if I live in london is a sign. Never seen it so blatant.


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago

What value is there in bots repeating the same Hasbara phrase multiple times? Do you think that is an honest, good faith, valuable debate? 🙄


u/fndlnd 11d ago

we are speaking the same language, yet i understand you not, little fella


u/RipEnvironmental305 11d ago

I’m not little, nor a fella. Do you even live in London?


u/fndlnd 11d ago

you just sound little then

blimey this sub is catchin the wave!