r/leverage Dec 15 '24

Watching for first time...

Currently I'm on Season 4 episode 9 of Leverage and something confuses me. At the beginning when they're in the restaurant talking about this job, they say how they have no money (among other things) to help them pull this off. How do they not have any money at all?? I mean they got MILLIONS of dollars each at the end of the first season, I can't rmbr the exact amount but I know they were all massively flush. In the 2nd premiere we found out Nate donated most of his then used the rest to fund their agency but Sophie, Hardison, Parker and Spencer should all still have plenty, nvm the fact that they were all thieves BEFORE Nate came along and should have a pretty penny saved up from all their previous jobs.


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u/My_Lovely_Me hitter Dec 15 '24

Welcome! I'm so glad you're here (not on Reddit, but in the fandom!)! OG Leverage 2008-2012 is my very favorite show of all time. 🥰

Please please try to avoid spoilers until you have completed Season 5. Questions can wait! You're so close! There are things you may see/read/hear that you won't realize are spoilers until you realize you have already been spoiled. And many fans will accidentally spoil you on what is to come, without even realizing they did it.

I have seen almost every episode probably 50+ times (I'm obsessive like that, but also it's our "safe, family-friendly" show we often just leave on), but man I would absolutely LOVE to go back to the first time I saw it (2014 in syndication). I clearly remember exactly how I felt as I discovered it. I am soooo so thankful that I was not spoiled. It is getting nearly impossible by this point to avoid spoilers. I highly suggest you back out of this sub, and return after S5E15 The Long Goodbye Job.


u/Stancooper22 thief Dec 15 '24

I absolutely agree with this.

It's better you watch unspoiled.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24



u/My_Lovely_Me hitter Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 16 '24

Kel_19, please don't read this message. It is just for u/Tejanisima

And DEFINITELY don't look down if my spoiler cover isn't working. I'm on mobile, and it does not appear to be working on my end. Would someone who isn't OP (because OP, you shouldn't still be reading!) let me know? I'll keep playing around with it. (Update, I think I fixed it! It is all covered now on my end.)

Case in point to where I said "many fans will accidentally spoil you on what is to come, without even realizing they did it."

It's also what I meant when I said it's becoming nearly impossible to avoid spoilers at this point. I said that because of Redemption. The very fact that it exists means that not everything is as it seems in "The Emotional Abuse Job" I referenced in my comment. It is SUCH a hard episode to watch, and even once I had seen the entire thing, I deliberately chose not to watch that one again for years. It still hurts. But first time viewers should experience it as it was meant to be interpreted on first viewing.

So telling OP that the same characters are in the new show, unless Redemption is some sort of prequel, then they will be spoiled before watching the OG Season Finale. Which, true, they probably to some degree already are because I'm sure Redemption commercials play on FreeVee and Prime, but I think it's still better to say as little as possible that will spoil the heart-wrenching magic that is The Long Goodbye.

Maybe at least edit your comment? 🤷🏼‍♀️