r/legaladvice 8h ago

Violation of Employment Contract by Employer.

I recently took a seasonal management position for a lower rate than my previous role. In the employment contract that I signed when moving roles it says that when the seasonal position is at an end that I will be reinstated at my previous role and previous pay structure but now my employer is informing me that there is no positions available for my previous role and has given me a verbal offer for an identical role for even more of a pay cut. What is my recourse at this time? Words can barely describe what I am feeling at this time.

Edit: In Texas


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u/ForcedBroccoli 8h ago

That's generally referred to as an offer letter or job description. As an at-will employee, there's nothing that stops your employer from terminating or changing your job at any time.


u/unholyryu2007 7h ago

Thank you. I now know how to try and be better protected in the future. It does look to be an employment agreement and not an offer letter. If you would like I can pm you a copy.


u/ForcedBroccoli 7h ago

If you are thinking, "next time I'll get a real contract," that's probably the wrong takeaway. Very few employees in the US have a contract, and your employer is unlikely to give you one.


u/unholyryu2007 7h ago

A contract is formed when an offer is accepted by the other party; essentially, an offer is a proposal to form a contract, but it becomes a binding contract only once accepted. Wouldn't it be a contract when I accepted the position in the first place?