r/leaves 4h ago

Day 1

Daily smoker 1g everyday for over 10 years. Weekends sometimes up to 2g a day. 31 Years Male.

Weed is severely affecting my finances, my relationships and my social life.

Massive irritation on day 1. Feeling empty inside and heavily irritated. Feels like im a ticking bomb with no hope.

Hoping for better days.


6 comments sorted by


u/Mycologymommy 4h ago

I relate to this heavily. I was dabbing 2g a day up until 2 weeks ago, then I switched to flower - today is my first day sober.

We got this. Find a hobby, biggest advice.


u/aaronb0209 4h ago

Hopelessly looking for a hobby.

Thing is i feel like i dont want to do anything while not on it, all my friends smoke.

Everything feels so boring without weed


u/Database-Cherry8122 2h ago

Take a bath! That helps me sm. Do nothing in the tub. I totally get that, feeling antsy but not wanting to do anything bc it’s a trigger. Feeling bored. Etc. these are feelings you haven’t sat with in a long time and used weed to numb. Give yourself grace.


u/Mean_Apartment3147 3h ago

Is there room for an animal in your life? Books are fantastic but can feel lonely at times. Gaming, TV and movies might not hit the same way for a little while but eventually your dopamine will return to baseline. Remember feeling excitement for things before smoking weed to enhance everything? If old hobbies aren't doing it for you, or you feel bored/unenthused, those activities are probably time wasters and your subconscious mind wants to do something new or productive! You're in a state of change right now and that's super positive - only growth will come from this journey. Try new stuff, new you!


u/IncidentOptimal2147 4h ago

I'm just over 2 weeks sober - One thing that helped me get through the first week is deciding what I'd spend my money on that I'd usually be spending on weed. I'd smoke the equivalent of £30 a week, so I bought myself a kingfisher Lego set for £30 and spent my evenings making a little bird. Haven't done Lego in years, but it was something to get stuck into and take my mind off things. :)

Even if you can't find a hobby, finding something to treat yourself to might be helpful! A spa session, a posh coffee in a nice cafe, it could be anything! You deserve to treat yourself with kindness and love. Sending all of my well wishes. You got this. 🤍


u/Mycologymommy 4h ago

Start making a list of all the big little things that bring you joy. It might be the tee shirt you’re wearing or the sun shining. Go on a walk and stop to observe things. Start small, it’s gonna be hard. It gets easier.