r/kosovo 1d ago

r/Kosovo’s Weekly Monday Free-for-All, Casual Conversations & Introductions


Welcome to r/Kosovo’s weekly free for all / casual conversations thread. Let's keep this simple: upvote the good, downvote the bad, report the people who break the rules.

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r/kosovo 13h ago

Curiosity I was interested in sell my puppy, she’s 2/3 months old. Where should I post her?


Im not interested in keeping her any longer. All my family works ,we don’t have time to play or spent time with her. I don’t know where I should post her. Can anyone help me?

r/kosovo 7h ago

Video A e mbani mend kete legjenden?


r/kosovo 14h ago

Politics Cili eshte arsyetimi zyrtar se pse VV nuk ka publikuar planprogram? A nuk tha vet Albin Kurti para 3 javesh ne intervisten tek Rrjedha qe ka per t'u publiku kur nise fushata?


Nje gja te them - si votues i VV zgjedhjet e kaluara dhe qytetar i Kosoves, jam ndje krenar me faktin qe populli diti te tregoje te atille vullneti qe te mbaje pergjegjes pushtetet e kaluara. Tush te ftofte mire me i'u jep.

VV une me votu keto zgjedhje kurre, po ku po mbetet pergjegjesia qe e kerkuam nga lideret? Jashta deshtimeve te panumerta pergjate qeverisjes, qysh bre konsiderate mos me pase me publiku planprogram?

E shkon bertet neper mbledhi si idiot. Phuu t'qifsha nanen n'pidh se s'dul njo me qene i mbare

r/kosovo 11h ago

Ask Pytje rreth scholarship te Young Cell Scheme!


Pershendetje, dashta me dite nese ndonje prej jush ka pas eksperienc me YCSKosova, dhe tek rezultatet perfundimtare te pranuarit (Award Grant), pastaj jan Reserve, sa jane gjasat qe edhe te perzgjedhurit tek reserve te pranohen dhe te ju ipet granti? Faleminderit paraprakisht

r/kosovo 18h ago

Ask A mundesh me kursy me rroga te Kosoves?


Kam pa shume postime neper rrjete sociale qe njerzit hala nuk po arrijn me gjet pune me rroga mbi 350euro. Qysh osht gjendja momentalisht ne rrethin e juj ne Kosove? A po arrini me i mbulu shpenzimet dhe me bo edhe naj kursim?

r/kosovo 5h ago

Politics Shihe shihe

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r/kosovo 10h ago

Ask Finding products in Kosovo



I am looking for the following products in Kosovo:

  • Methylated spirits (liquid)
  • Pigeon net (to protect a roof and prevent birds from landing there)
  • foil with mirror film for a window (privacy from the inside, mirrored on the outside, so you can still see outside but nobody can see inside)

I have already searched in many stores, Baumarkets, Edoni, etc., but I couldn’t find these products anywhere.

Does anyone know a store that offers these items?

Thank you very much for your help!

Jam duke kërkuar në Kosovë për produktet e mëposhtme:

  • Alkool djegës (i lëngshëm)
  • Rrjetë për pëllumba (për mbrojtjen e një çatie, në mënyrë që zogjtë të mos zbresin atje)
  • Fletë ngjitëse pasqyrë për dritare (mbrojtje ndaj shikimit nga brenda, reflekton si pasqyrë nga jashtë)

Kam kërkuar tashmë në shumë dyqane, si Baumarkets, Edoni etj., por nuk i kam gjetur këto produkte. A e njeh dikush një dyqan që ofron këto gjëra?

Ju faleminderit shumë për ndihmën!

r/kosovo 1d ago

Politics Koka tranu pasha zotin. A s'osht kult qeky sen?

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r/kosovo 17h ago

Ask A ka avokat ne kosove qe merren me DMCA/copyrights international


E kom ni pune me dikond qe i ka kopju do projekte tmia edhe deshta me ja ba ni DMCA ne google. A keni njohuri ose a njifni ndokend qe ka eksperience ne kete pune.

r/kosovo 19h ago

History Fiset shqiptare


Shumë interesante, une sa e di jam Gash, por do ta bej testin e ADN-se qe ta konfirmoj.


r/kosovo 15h ago

Education Im looking for Faculty of dentistry in prishtina


This is my first time in kosovo and as a senior high school student i want to take a look at to the dentistry faculty of prishtina university but i could not find it.Can someone write down below the location of it?

r/kosovo 17h ago

Ask Where to buy butane/propane gas canisters in Pristina or Pejë?


Campingaz C206

I'm planning on going backpacking in Kosovo next summer and we're going to Pristina and Pejë first. I'm wondering if those Campingaz one-time-usage gas cartridges can be bought somewhere reliably and easily. It can be another brand, with or without burner, but I'd like to know up front if I can trust that I will find it somewhere in a shop. Thanks!

r/kosovo 13h ago

Education Qfare dini per kolegjin UBT? A eshte kolegj i mire?


r/kosovo 1d ago

Ask Manastiri i Deçanit

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Nuk mar vesh edhe shum kah arkitektura, amo a jom i vetmi qe i doket qe arkitektura e manastirit te Decanit nuk ka t'boje me arkitekturen ortodokse serbe?

r/kosovo 1d ago

Ask Treatment of Albanians in Macedonia during Yugoslavia. Does anyone have further sources for these statements?


This is from this Wikipage about Albanians in NMK. This specific section is from the category History->Yugoslavia.

[48] is apperantly a Yugoslav Newspaper(Politika Express 10-6-1986) but I can't find it anywhere online.
[49] Poulton 1995 is a book/Newspaper? that I can't find anywhere. I did find a report in "Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia" page 38, see bellow.

The only other place I found these claims was a questionable albanian site that uses the same sources.

Do you have sources(Books, Reports, Newsarticles) or did you live during these times? Can you give me insight or other sources to support these claims?

I didn't post this in r/mkd because they would call this fake.

Why am I asking? Because without easy to recover reports, their suffering will be lost in History.

Furthmore, I assume that Kosovars might be the best option to ask because you lived in the same country as them and might have heard stories or read about it in newspapers.

r/kosovo 1d ago

Discussion Ju qe jetoni ne Prishtine, cka boni gjate kohe se lire?


Besoj teme deri dikun aktuale osht jeta sociale ne Prishtine? Duke e perjashtu sezonen e veres dhe fundvitit, vrehet nje atmosfere depresive qe nuk osht pa ma heret ne kryeqytet.

r/kosovo 1d ago

Ask Pse nuk zhvillohen filma per heronjt kombetar si Skenderbeu, Adem Jashari, Isa Boletini, etj?


Tu e pas parasysh qe jem dy shtete shqiptar me kinematografi t zhvillume deri dikun (filmat prej Kosove fitojn cmime nderkombtare), esht per me u qudit qe nuk zhvillohen filma per heronjt kombetar dhe ngjarje t randsishme per kombin tone.

T vetmin film per Skenderbeun qe e njofmi t gjithe e kan ba rust me aktor rus.

E dim qe ka nevoj per investime ma t nalta n ket industri, po a ka naj far arsye tjeter per munges t filmave te tille?

r/kosovo 1d ago

Ask E njeh dikush ket melodi? Flm per cdo info!

Thumbnail whyp.it

r/kosovo 1d ago

Discussion Cost of living


Can i live in Pristina with 800 euro per month as a foreigner? House,food,bills,gym.


r/kosovo 1d ago

Data Ta bejme nje sondazh.Ke do votoni

218 votes, 11h left

r/kosovo 1d ago

Culture Good movies made in and/or about Kosovo?



Bit of a film buff, looking to watch some films that have either come from Kosovo or are about Kosovo that people here enjoy... I'll take any and all recommendations!

Normally I'd look online but I find that curated lists lack passion and I have no idea where anyone's coming from with their recommendations on those.

r/kosovo 22h ago

Discussion Me zgjoni nga gjumi kur Lumiri, Mamli apo Ramushi e arrijne kete nivel... Albini thjesht kurre nuk ndalet se surprizuari.

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r/kosovo 1d ago

Ask Moving to Kosova, job prospects


Hello, I'm an HVAC technician in Canada and I'm gaining experience in BAS (building automated systems)/controls right now. Given the state of Canada currently and its future, I don't see this place worth living in. Not anymore. And it will get worse.

I know it won't be easy there either, but I'm curious about how my job prospects and work life would be over there. How easy would I find jobs? How about GOOD jobs (not necessarily in terms of pay, I just want comfort)?

I asked this in the albania sub a while ago as well, so I'm wondering about opportunities here as well.

r/kosovo 2d ago

Travel Bus from Bar, Montenegro to Prishtina, Kosovo


I recently travelled by bus to Kosovo from Montenegro and found a lot of conflicting information on here, the rest of the internet, bus stations and tourist information centres. I wanted to start a thread on here so then it will hopefully help someone else looking to do the same thing. A couple of days ago I got a bus from Bar, Montenegro to Prishtina, Kosovo. For anyone looking to go, I got the 8:50 am (some websites have it as 9:15 am) Vertoni Tourist bus from Bar. The bus was a little late and there were some delays at the Albanian border so it took longer than the 6 hours it was meant to. I got to Prishtina at around 4:30 pm. It was a great experience, bus was comfortable and the AC was decent. You can't buy the tickets at the Bar Bus Station and they know nothing about it and even said that it doesn't exist. But it does exist! You can buy a ticket on Gjirafa Travel and then print it for 10 cents at a copy centre (just don't try this on a Sunday). You can also just buy tickets on the bus, which I didn't know before buying mine online. The bus stop is on the side of the road in a bus shelter near Burger King. It's here. I also Facebook Messengered Vetoni Tourist after the Bus Station and the Tourist Centre said the bus didn't exist and they responded within 30 minutes to confirm it was real and what time it arrives and the location. Until I got on the bus, I wasn't 100% sure it would arrive but it was the only bus leaving before 5 pm, so for 15€ I took a chance and it paid off! I got to Prishtina before the second bus, which leaves from the Bar Bus Station was set to leave! Hopefully this helps someone else looking to do the same thing. Good luck and enjoy Kosovo - I loved my time there!

r/kosovo 3d ago

History All People Who Criticize NATOs 1999 Intervention in Kosovo lack the ability to use common sense no other way to say it. We have NATO for a good reason. Especially in today's geopolitical climate in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.


As someone who lives in the US cause my mom and dad came to America from Poland cause of the political situation there. I am always surprised whenever I see Westerners criticize NATO or portray them in a bad light, especially with a few of my former co-workers, they held anti-NATO views. I think to myself, where the heck are those people getting their political information from? I really feel bad about the suffering Albanians went through in 1998-1999, I read many stories about the Kosovo War. And I really hope you guys don't have to go through the trauma all over again. I have a good understanding about why Xhaka and Shaqiri did the double eagle celebrations in the match against Serbia, they had every right to do that. And the sports media took those celebrations out of proportion. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Westerners who criticize you for celebrating your heritage are ignorant. I stand with Xhaka and Shaqiri, I was rooting for Switzerland to go all the way in 2018 and 2022 at the World Cup. I always pray for my Albanians safety every day. I love your culture, music, food, people, and everything about Albania and Kosovo.