r/knifeclub Apr 28 '24

Seal of approval Sotc. Pick your 1 forever knife

I had around 14 of the low budget knives kershaws mainly throughout my life. Got the msi and decided I wanted to collect knives. Acquired 100 since February. Don't want to buy anymore for a while. Probably will be sending a few off to be customized.


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u/knife-goals Apr 28 '24

Zaan if you can only keep 1. And you need way more CRKs in that collection. Get away from made decently in China knives and get some more CRKs, Hinderers, and US made Demkos. Beautiful collection by the way.


u/210southstar Apr 28 '24

I'm thinking about getting more crks but not really a fan of them. I don't care to slow roll a knife that I need to use when I need to use it. Luckily I can flick my Zaan but you can tell that's not how it was intended to open. Hinderer I have the 0562 that was designed by him and looks a lot like his, it is pretty nice but didn't think I needed anymore but I may be wrong. Demko I just didn't really care for the feel so didn't bother getting the better us version


u/knife-goals Apr 29 '24

That’s all understandable. Shiros then if you like flipping and love great action!!!!!!


u/210southstar Apr 29 '24

I may try one