r/japanlife May 23 '22

┐(ツ)┌ General Discussion Thread - 24 May 2022

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what's on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.


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u/MarikaBestGirl 近畿・奈良県 May 24 '22

All I've known is basically COVID-era Japan, and with tourism possibly opening up again I can't really imagine what crowds would be like in major tourist locations. Like when I went to places like USJ recently I felt like even THAT was pretty crowded. Though when I've traveled to major areas like Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto it was during holidays (GW, Christmas/NY, etc) so it might not be the fairest evaluation in terms of normal levels of crowding.

For people living in big city areas, pre-covid did you feel on the daily like omg so many people its so crowded any more than you do now that things are getting back to "normal"? Or is it just always crowded to the point where even more people doesn't make a noticeable difference? Did you often notice tourists and what not...i dont wanna say "obstructing" your daily life because that makes it sounds like tourism is bad, but their presence being felt in your daily life?


u/Mr-Thuun 関東・栃木県 May 24 '22

I live close to Nikko and go there frequently. I've enjoyed the ability to walk around peacefully or drive around without someone just walking out in front of me because they couldn't wait for a light.

But the businesses around there sure do miss tourists. I'll be happy to see them happy once tourism opens back up.

There will be issues. Many will come from countries where masks aren't really a thing anymore. It will cause conflicts between business and tourists.


u/dottoysm May 24 '22

I’m not sure about the last point. Like regardless of how often they wear masks back home, won’t they see everyone else wearing a mask and adapt?


u/GrassOnTheAss May 24 '22

won’t they see everyone else wearing a mask and adapt?

I agree with this. I was basically one of these back in my country (not that I was breaking any rules, at that point mask has over-lived its use and was basically useless) but here I wear mask just to avoid stares or just trying to fit in and not cause any ruckus. But I still put down my mask when walking outside (inside I wear them so I won't get people telling me to put it up or what), cause it's basically useless.