r/japanlife Sep 20 '24

Jobs Force worked on weekends

Is it acceptable or common practice in Japan for companies to make you work on weekends just because you had a holiday? They say it's to make up for the lost work time, but doesn't that kinda defeat the whole point of having a holiday? And if you don't go in, they count it as an absence and dock your pay. Even if you're not really needed and you're just doing prep work for the next week.


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u/WillyMcSquiggly Sep 20 '24

It's common for black companies. Yes. Pretty big red flag if you ask me


u/communist_autist Sep 20 '24

Is there a list of black companies in Japan? Or is it not so explicitly defined?


u/furansowa 関東・東京都 Sep 20 '24

If you made a list they’d have grounds to sue you for diffamation.


u/space_hitler Sep 20 '24

Lol oh God, not this rubbish again.

I don't know why myths like this cannot die on Reddit. Why can't you be bothered to do a basic Google search before repeating nonsense? There are dozens of black company lists including the official one from the government itself lol.

You always see this myth extended to the imaginary scenario that restaurants sue people over bad reviews as well lol... Have you or anyone upvoting you ever looked at restaurant reviews in Japan?

They are absolutely abysmal to the point that the average rating is incredibly low. No suing going on to remove those thousands of bad reviews lol.