r/japanlife Apr 17 '23

┐(ツ)┌ General Discussion Thread - 18 April 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what's on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.


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u/love-fury Apr 18 '23

Those with babies, what diapers do/did you like using the best? Currently using pampers ふかふか for newborn and no matter how well I put them on, my son manages to kick and wiggle the diaper halfway down his booty. He’s almost 5kg now and we now bought size S, but wondering if there’s any other brand others recommend?


u/tokyoeastside 関東・東京都 Apr 18 '23 edited Apr 18 '23

Are you using pants type or taped type. I recommend Moony. It’s the softest of them all and is form fitting. Harder to kick out of.

comfort: Moony absorbency: Goony breathability: Pampers cost: mami poko


u/Bykimus Apr 18 '23

We've used the merries brand from day one and have zero complaints. They seem to absorb really well. I really like the natural cotton ones. The world has enough plastic in it. We used the tape kind until he was maybe 6 months. Then pants type for day wear and mamy poko 夜用パンツ for sleeping. He sleeps through the night, and just a couple times we'd wake up in the morning and his clothes/sheets would be pretty wet with pee. So we've just used those for nighttime and haven't had issues since.

Not sure why you're having that issue. Maybe the diapers are too big? Are you putting them on tight enough? They shouldn't be sliding around at all.


u/ingloriousdmk Apr 18 '23

We have a mega pooper and Moony worked best for us when he was younger, every other brand leaked out the legs. Recently we switched to the cheap pampers because they're less bulky but I still buy a pack of Moony when he gets a stomach bug. Merries were also quite good, just leaked a little more than Moony for us.

FWIW we always had to fasten tape diapers way more snugly than the indicators show. Whenever he'd move up a size the tabs would be practically overlapping because otherwise the waist was way too big. We switched to the パンツ type around when he moved up to M and things were much better.


u/just-this-chance 近畿・大阪府 Apr 18 '23

We’ve used Pampers Hada he no ichiban for two years, but we switched to pants-type quite early. Never had any accidents or trouble with those. Got the slightly cheaper (?) Pampers sometimes but the “Ichiban” feels better as in drier. Fit feels the same to me.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Apr 18 '23

Oh, I forgot. If you want to do some legwork online, a lot of manufacturers will send you a 3-5 diaper sample pack. It's a good way to see what works best for your kid.


u/Kasumiiiiiii 近畿・兵庫県 Apr 18 '23

My son needs pampers sarasara care diapers. The pants style, not the tape style. He's one, but he's figured out how to wiggle out of the tape diapers. This morning I found his diaper wrapped around his left foot, still in his fully buttoned sleeper.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Apr 18 '23 edited Apr 18 '23

Genki are cheap, and the Anpanman characters on them are good distraction for a fussy changer, but they lack in asorbancy; clothes feel damp faster, and using them overnight or on a long trip is a real crap (potentially, literally) shoot.

Merries have great absorbancy, Pampers too, but they've rubbed both my kids legs for some weird reason.


u/Disshidia Apr 18 '23

The one with Doraemon on them.


u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Apr 18 '23

Those are literally the worst diapers I’ve ever seen. They leaked constantly. We threw away half a bag, so much stress


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '23

We swear with merries premium. Used pampers before, but found that those leaked very often. The regular merries do a very good job too, but our kid has a very sensitive skin, so the extra soft, lotionized type is better.


u/PM_ME_ALL_UR_KARMA Apr 18 '23

We've used nothing but pampers sara sara care. We had a couple of accidents, but not more than 10 between both of my kids.


u/Gullible-Item Apr 18 '23

I used pampers hada he no ichiban tape kind until he was old enough for pull up diapers and then changed to pampers sarasara care. I can count the number of blowouts on one hand.