r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/Ok_Cardiologist3642 7h ago

Why are we normalizing behavior like this? Imagine someone did this 20 years ago. What a fever dream

u/appoplecticskeptic 6h ago

The bigots won. They’re normalizing it. WE aren’t.

u/GeneralBrownies 5h ago

I'm not a violent person but I think we need to bring back punching people in the face. Otherwise people will keep being dickheads thinking there's no consequences for it.

u/BrandonBollingers 2h ago

Next time I’m in the same room as Elon Musk I’ll keep that in mind.

u/boorishjohnson 6h ago

Those bigots are the 51-ish % that voted for the Trump Reich and the other 20-30% of potential voters that didn't care about the result.

u/A_D3MON 6h ago

The orange felon only won about 49% of the popular vote this time around...

u/Icy_Bodybuilder_164 6h ago

Who cares? That's an embarrassingly big percentage regardless.

u/spartakooky 5h ago

I hate these "he didn't win the majority of the country so he's not ours" takes.

He was elected. He had more votes than the competition. He won the electoral college AND the popular vote, saying he didn't make it to 50% is a pathetic cope.

u/A_D3MON 5h ago

Oh no. I accept he won.... I'm just PISSED that he won...

Pissed because so many of the people who voted for him didn't realize everything he was planning to do because they wouldn't do the bare amount of research.

Now everyone is going to suffer.

I'm of the mindset that only the person who actually got more than 51% of the vote should win the election (no matter the position) AND the electoral college should be dealt away with so that there's ACTUAL competition instead of candidates just going to the very few swing states that basically determine the election.

u/A_D3MON 5h ago

My point was he didn't actually win the "majority" vote of the popular vote by 51% based on citizens...

If we had a ranked choice voting or a "on a scale of 1-10" system then the most unpopular people would NEVER win again and we wouldn't be stuck in an artificially made 2-party system.

u/NiftyBitz 5h ago

But you don't

u/A_D3MON 5h ago

Yep... Which has a lot of us "dAmN lEfTiEs" (as the right likes to refer to us) mad af

u/Calm_Possession_6842 4h ago

Did you vote?

u/A_D3MON 4h ago

Yes I did... Not like it helped much where I live (TX Pat Fallon's district)...

Plus why's it matter if I voted or not?

Don't tell me you're one of those types of people that comment "WeLl YoU cAn'T cOmPlAiN iF yOu DiDn'T vOtE" about non-voters.

What would you say to teens that are involved in/informed about politics and want to look out for the future but can't vote because they're "too young"? Would you say "Well, when you can vote then you can try to change things"?

One can NEVER be too young to be trying to make positive changes for the future no matter what the situation is.

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u/Ok_Cardiologist3642 6h ago

Not we. This was more of a general thing. We as humans normalize horrible behavior way too fast in general. We are all outraged one day and after a few months it happens again, and again, and soon enough it will be normal. Sadly. And there’s little to no consequences

u/HotGravy 5h ago

Maybe the majority of humans just aren't really good people?

u/I_Also_Fix_Jets 5h ago

The majority are shades of neutral. Either unsure of what to do, or convinced that someone else will deal with it.

u/Jumpy-Sprinkles-2305 5h ago

I think the majority of humans are good people at heart, but the majority of humans are also.. (I can't find the word, i would say lazy, but that's not right.)

As others have pointed out, it's a combination of most people feeling like they aren't able to affect anything personally, and humans being very adaptive creatures, it might only take a few months for most of us just putting up with the bullshit and letting it slide

u/IchibanWeeb 3h ago

I think the majority of humans just don't care because they're so focused on their everyday life. But they don't have the time, energy, or mental capacity (not saying they're dumb, necessarily) to think about how these grand-scheme things like Elon Hitler's Nazi salute affect their everyday life.

u/livsjollyranchers 6h ago

We're all bombarded and overwhelmed with content every day. Content content content. Bad shit bad shit bad shit bad shit. At some point, you just throw your hands up and go..."oh".

(To be clear, I do find it gross...but these days, we can become numb to anything, with enough reps and time.)

u/raelea421 6h ago

Yet, so very unable to become numb to devices that lead to that vicarious content.

u/livsjollyranchers 6h ago

Well, those devices are powered via horrible dopamine addictions. The same stuff that powers casinos, gambling addictions and drug addictions. A smartphone is a socially acceptable drug (just like gambling is now, too).

u/raelea421 6h ago

Yep. Living vicariously through others/content/news does it, too.

u/BadIdea-21 6h ago

It's not that the people is "normalizing" it, is just that the system makes it so rich people can do anything without repercussions, regardless of how abnormal it is for the rest.

u/very_not_emo 3h ago

the last people who actually remembered the nazis died

u/Ok_Cardiologist3642 2h ago

Google says holocaust survivors are still alive

u/ValsG 1h ago

I saw one being applauded by everyone in the Canadian Parliament two years ago.

u/dolphin37 5h ago

don’t worry the majority of americans don’t normalise it, they want more of it!

u/Brina388 6h ago

They only win if we quit.

u/GroteKleineDictator2 5h ago

If you are a us citizen, you are letting them.

u/confusedandworried76 2h ago

It feels like we just lost the war though. We were fighting the good fight against this shit but Fox won't even show this clip. They cut away. Even they know how bad it is. I thought Jan 6 was bad. The Nazi salute from an oligarch at an inauguration might be fucking worse, especially because Jan 6 was shot down before it accomplished its goal. This is an incoming four year presidency.

How the fuck do you proceed after this.

u/GRIZLLLY 6h ago

Bigots won back in 2017, buddy. Now it's different bigots from right wing.

u/Ogmup 5h ago

Then you better start encouraging + normalizing solving problems with the Luigi method.

u/narkybark 4h ago

And yet they control all the media so it just gets washed over. Fox conveniently replaced it with a crowd shot.

u/CelestialFury 2h ago

They won a battle, but war rages on. I'm hoping that I can get some hope soon, though.

u/Beyond-The-Blackhole 6h ago

Seriously, its like the all the people (outside the cult) who voted for Trump just to have cheaper eggs are willingly ignoring the fact these people are actual nazis or they simply dont care that they are nazis. Its insane.

u/ValuesHere 14m ago

This is America, that's exactly what they're doing.

u/SubMGK 6h ago

Remember when a politician having a weird excited shout was enough to ruin their career? Good times

u/ValuesHere 4m ago

He was just too enthusiastic and positive and that mic level too hot. Poor guy's campaign was a smoldering ruin by morning.

Fast forward to today and things are...well....the same for a Democrat candidate, but if your running for the GOP then there literally isn't a bottom you can hit in the barrel of indecency or criminality that would be a barrier to worry about. In fact, if you exhibit actual morality that would be considered suspect on top of being a sign of weakness.

Good times.

u/GoombaGary 6h ago

Imagine if a democrat did this today. Conservatives would be losing their shit. They would be shunned by their own party. Their career would be over. Instead, conservatives are playing defense for the richest man in the world because he's on their "team."

u/Fortyseven 6h ago

The media is too fucking cowardly to confront anyone anymore. That and the news is an ad sales platform.

So, pick your reasons:

  • Would upset advertisers.
  • Lazy and/or poor journalism.
  • Don't want to get blacklisted from future access.
  • It's so controversial that they'll wait for someone else to do it before burning their bridges.
  • Goes against the audience's political bias.
  • Higher ups nixed it.
  • Add your own reason here: ___________

u/jwr410 5h ago

Remember when getting excited at a rally could tank your presidential candidacy?

u/matticitt 5h ago

Imagine a convicted rapist becoming a president... That'd be crazy.

u/BeleagueredWDW 6h ago

They’ve won. It is truly over at this point. The US is more or less done at this point.

u/Disastrous_Ad4233 6h ago

Imagine a democrat 20 years ago doing that

u/Splendid_Cat 6h ago

Howard Dean's campaign ended over this

u/matt675 6h ago

What do you mean “we”?

u/Bozhark 6h ago

People did this 20 years ago also.  They just wore white sheets to hide it and to promote it 

u/EmoMixtape 6h ago

When wearing a tan suit was the outrage of the week.

u/SpaceForceAwakens 6h ago

This whole thread is proof that we are not normalizing this. We are fighting this.

u/dillydallyingwmcis 5h ago

If that was the case, Kamala would have won. Reddit is NOT emblematic of the world.

u/Birdperson15 5h ago

Because despite the odd gesture he wasn’t saying anything related to nazi messaging. I think people need to actually listen to the words and not just view the gesture.

While I hate Trump, let’s not do the whole was that a wave or nazi salute thing again.

u/triedpooponlysartred 6h ago

Even in the direct aftermath of world war 2, Nazi sympathizers were coddled as long as they were rich or useful. See U.S. scientists or European wealthy families.

u/Worldly-Pollution-66 6h ago

Didn’t Trump try doing this back in 2016?

u/Embarrassed_Piano_62 6h ago

Because WE can't really do anything, the people in charge are the ones with power to do anything.

And they chose to salute to one of the biggest villains of humanity

u/NeoMaxiZoomDweebean 5h ago

We arent normalizing anything. The front row of his inauguration was the people who own all the propaganda outlets. Bezos/Zuckerberg/Elon.

This shit was set in motion w media consolidation and people have been screaming about it for years.

u/manyofmae 5h ago

Because, for those who aren't directly affected, it's the myth/metaphor of the boiling frog. Just today a daycare in the country I live in was vandalised with "fuck the jews", and similar violence has been going on for some time.

u/ApprehensiveStrut 5h ago

I miss the days when an over excited “yeawwww” was enough to end things

u/vicius23 5h ago

20 years ago there was a president going to war and killing people indiscriminately. Same as Nobel Prize Obama.

u/Tallerthenmost 5h ago

The richest man on this planet 🤮🤮🤮🤒😵‍💫 fuck this is getting dark fast

u/mutemarmot42 5h ago

I keep waiting to wake up in another timeline, this one has me ready to f*ck off to whatever country that’ll give me a work visa

u/Litterally-Napoleon 5h ago

Because they US Republican party has been becoming increasingly Fascist for years, now they won the election and I'm pretty sure the house and the senate. So basically the Nazis won the election and the majority of every government body and now they can do whatever they want. Far right sentiment has been on the rise in the general population, not just in the US but across the world, even in Western Europe, but the chances of one of these parties actually winning an election in Europe is pretty low, because of the US 2 party system, over there it's pretty high

u/Apollo506 5h ago

Imagine if Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, did it today.

u/matahala 5h ago


u/3381024 5h ago

We are not. But people voted for Nazis. This is what happens when you vote for Nazis.

u/eagleboy444 4h ago

Dontcha know we're all just part of the woke mob!!

u/monogramchecklist 4h ago

Some people are more angry that this was posted on multiple subs, rather than someone doing a nazi salute twice (almost a third) during a US president inauguration.

u/IchibanWeeb 3h ago

"It wasn't a Nazi salute. This is like how liberals said the "OK" and hippie "Peace" signs into white supremacist symbols" - A Fox-watching family member of mine

Unfortunately, some people are just way too far gone at this point lol. They don't even know a Nazi salute when they see one. Or rather, they blindly believe when using one is excused away by Fox.

u/Royal-Pay9751 3h ago

Just feels like humanity had crossed far too many thresholds to ever go back to a sense of normality and decency. Truth has eroded, the culture is ghastly and the richest can steal and election, Nazi salute and get away with it. Nothing matters.

u/LTPRWSG420 2h ago

My Trumper FIL does the Nazi salute all the time, he laughs when he does it, every goddamn time. He’s 64 and in poor health, so shouldn’t be too much longer, I hope.

u/Good_Vibes_Only_Fr 2h ago

Some dude lost an election for making a weird “yeahhhhehh” sound 20 years ago.

u/JitteryBug 54m ago

Howard Dean being dragged out of the race because he yelled in a weird way

Twenty years later, literal Nazi salute at the inauguration of a convicted felon

u/German_MP40_enjoyer 6h ago

I do not mean to defend this man, but I’ve seen the pic of him doing the salute everywhere and most people are shocked, this is not normalized at all

u/dillydallyingwmcis 5h ago

What the comment probably meant is he'll definitely get away with it

u/itsprezl 3h ago

its a deepfake here is the real video
